Where To Sell Your Photos Online

Posted by Georgy | 3/09/2011

By Dan Feildman

There are a variety of reasons that stock photography is one of the hottest businesses to get involved in not the least of which is that it is something you can do from anywhere in the world. Furthermore, for every photo that is sold there is a 50-80% commission rate which also makes it a very lucrative field to get involved in. Finally, it is so simple that you can continue your current job and take photos in your spare time then upload them to a free site.

Real people photos are very popular too, especially models so spend some time on reading over the chapter regarding copyright and then find as many Models as possible. Although we are supplying you with all of the basic materials and ideas to sell your photos online, you may find that a small investment will save you a lot of head scratching time and will also help you not to lose interest at an early stage and subsequently lose out on making some extra income through selling your photos online.

If you do a basic internet search you will find that there are a variety of Stock Photography sites, many of which cater to particular genres. For instance, Photosecrets.com specializes in postcards and postcard books so if you feel your photos fit this niche you may want to head here. PhotoTipsAndTricks.com caters to calendar and poster creation and may be another avenue to pursue of this is a sector you are interested in.

You may even want to set up your own website and host your own photo store, if this is the case I recommend you check out Photosource.com. Having your own site eliminates the need to pay commissions and may be the best alternative if you are planning on having stock photography as your profession.

You should now know which Photos sell best, the best sites to sell photos on and just who would be looking at buying your photos online. You are virtually being given the knowledge to set up this stock photography business for free and I am convinced that with the resources that this blog has provided, just about anybody anywhere in the world could start to make money be selling digital photos online.

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