By Gordon Shaxon

There are millions of people that live with the ringing in the ears, known as Tinnitus, every day. Tinnitus is the swishing, ringing, roaring or rushing sound that can be heard in the ears. This problem usually corrects itself unless there has been damage to the middle ear, which could lead to this condition being permanent. Celebrities and famous people suffer also from this ailment either due to work related manners or a natural cause.

Loud noises can damage the ears and cause this ailment whether temporary or permanent. Sometimes the withdrawal of certain drugs or prescriptions that is taken on a regular basis will cause these symptoms. Aging is the main reason for this ailment, as a person ages there is a normal amount of hearing loss and this is accompanied by Tinnitus.

Celebrities also suffer with this affliction as it can affect anyone who has certain health problems such as damage to the ears due to loud noises. William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy both are plagued with this ailment due to an explosion on the Star Trek set in the mid-sixties. Barbra Streisand, Eric Clapton, Phil Colins all deal with this condition. Mrs. Streisand has told that she has dealt with these symptoms since she was seven years of age and contributes it to her violent outburst.

Two documented previous presidents live with this condition, Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan. Ludwig Van Beethoven was one of the first documented cases of Tinnitus. It is believed that he went mad because of the rushing and roaring sounds in his head. There are several songs by various artists that include the words ringing in my ears.

The main cause of the condition is advanced aging and the natural deterioration of the nerves in the ear canal. The loud boom of a bomb exploding would of course damage the ear causing the condition. Tinnitus is not a disease, it is merely the symptom of another issue.

There are two types of Tinnitus. The first one is objective and the second being subjective. In cases of objective Tinnitus the noise that plagues the patient can usually be heard by others. This type in most cases is caused by a muscle spasm in the middle ear causing clicks and cracks to be heard by the patient.

The other is subjective Tinnitus which is usually caused by an otologic disorder. Otologic disorders are part of the same conditions that cause hearing loss. Other reasons have been found as well such as taking aspirin and have very low serotonin levels.

If someone has this condition it can be a burden to the normal routine they have during the day and night. Not only is there partial hearing loss there is also a nerve racking sound going off in their ear. Ringing in the ears can be a handicap for some due to the extreme levels that this condition can reach in sound, from a constant hum, or as loud as turning a radio up to a level where you cannot hear someone speak. Either type of this condition can be diagnosed with a hearing test and possibly treated and alleviated.

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