By Anne Miles

Taking your pictures with your digital camera at just about anyplace you can click the button seems like a lot of fun. You can see many shots like that uploaded on social networking websites like Facebook. But it is still not something you would like to display and present to your future kids and grandchildren. If you want a photo that lasts, have it shot by a professional photographer if possible in a photography studio.

A picture you took by yourself is different from the picture taken in a photography studio by a professional in the sense that the latter is more formal and presentable. You can proudly hang the formal one on a wall beside other photographs of your ancestors.

A formal picture is better taken at a photography studio because of many reasons. The very first one is that you can manage the elements or block them altogether inside a photography studio.

If you are taking the shot outside, you won't be able to control how the wind will impact your photograph. The subject's hair may get in his or her face. It also won't look good in the picture if your subjects squint because of the sun's imposing glare.

You can also have a better lighting direction if you are inside a studio. To prevent casting an unwanted dark shadow on the subject's face, you can soften to brightness of the lights. After all, no one wants dark circles under their eyes. You can likewise enhance the features of the subject by taking advantage of the light and managing its direction.

There is an aspect of timelessness in a picture taken at a studio. And even though they look staged, you can see the level of serenity present on each photos.

Snapshots may be fun to shoot, but they are deemed adequate and appropriate only for a casual setting, whereas a photo taken at a studio by a professional features a setting that is eternal and classic that is worthy to be shown to the future generations.

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