By Jayne Rutledge

There are many situations that can suddenly provide a person with much more free time than they are used to having. Perhaps you have become recently unemployed. Perhaps you have retired. Or, perhaps you work seasonally, and are now in the off season. Whatever the reason, you may need activities to fill your time, such as quilting classes, hiking, or something else you enjoy.

While having a wide-open schedule can be fun for a short time, it does not usually remain enjoyable. Eventually, you need things to do during your idle time. If you spend too much time sitting around, it can be easy to feel unproductive and to become depressed.

While some people have the type of personality where they easily stay active and find things to keep them occupied, others need a push. If you are the second type, it helps to make commitments that will require you to to be there, like taking a class. Here are a few things to keep in mind when trying to structure your time.

1. Don't be afraid to try new things. Think about all of the things you have always wanted to do: making quilts, knitting sweaters, writing poetry. If you need someone to teach you the skill, sign up for a class. This may be the only time that your schedule will allow for that. This can be a great way to learn, and to meet new people.

2. Find a partner. Perhaps you have a sister, friend, or cousin who is in a similar situation to yours. Consider taking that person along on your new activities. This will help to alleviate the intimidation factor that sometimes comes with meeting new people. Also, it will be helpful for your friend or relative, who might also be fighting depression and boredom.

3. Get out of the house every day. The occasional day spent indoors is harmless, especially when the weather calls for it. However, you should generally find a reason to get outdoors and out into public for at least a small part of each day. This will help to prevent feelings of isolation, which can also contribute to depression. Take a quick walk to the store, or a jog around the block.

4. Clean the house and tackle those long-awaited home improvement projects. If you leave these things undone while you have the time to do them, you will certainly regret it later. Deep-clean your bathroom, paint your bedroom, clear out your attic. This is the perfect opportunity to do those things. You have no way of knowing when you will have this much free time again.

Sudden unemployment, or even expected seasonal unemployment, can be a shock. However, if you use the time wisely, it can be both productive and relaxing. Sign up for those quilting classes, take a daily walk around the park, write your novel, and clean your house. You never know how quickly this time will pass- think of it as a gift, and use it!

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