By Jerri Perry

The chinrest on a stringed instrument assists the player in the proper positioning of the chin and is an important accessory for violinists of all levels and abilities. Getting the proper fit can greatly enhance a player's performance, while a poor fit can make playing more difficult and even painful. Fortunately, there are several violin chinrest styles for players to choose from.

Anyone who does not play the violin or other similar stringed instrument may not realize that the chinrest is not actually part of the instrument. It is a separate accessory which can be added to the instrument to properly position the player's chin. In fact, the instrument can technically be played without it.

Despite this fact, a properly fitted piece is a valuable accessory for any violinist. Having the proper chin position lets a player move freely and makes transitioning throughout a performance much easier. Therefore, a player's performance can be vastly improved. However, the wrong size or shape can negatively effect a violinist's playing ability. Hitting certain notes could be tougher due to a poor fit, and it could also cause the need for more frequent breaks. Most importantly, tilting the head too much, clenching jaw muscles or tightening the neck can possibly cause an injury.

The good news is that players can choose from several different types. Most of these can be easily purchased in a good instrument shop. Because of this, some research and a bit of guidance from someone who specializes in the field will make finding the right fit simple. The side mount, center mount and Guarneri models are the three main types.

The most common style is the Guarneri. The chin bed on this model is positioned to the left side of the tailpiece. It attaches to the violin in the center. The side mount and the center mount are positioned as their names would suggest, with the side mount being positioned to the left of the tailpiece, including the clamp, and the center mount being positioned directly in the center.

When choosing the best chinrest, it is important to consider the correct shape and style. However, they must also consider what type of material it was made from. Most of them are made from wood, with the most common being rosewood, ebony and boxwood. However, they are also sometimes made from plastic, which is often considered a more hypoallergenic option.

It may be best to get help from a professional when choosing the best option. However, it is suggested that when the fit is correct, the player should be able to hold the instrument without any discomfort, using only their chin. It is also important to consider the material when making your selection as some individuals may be sensitive to the wood options, making plastic more suitable.

Proper chin positioning is important for all players. A well-fitted chinrest can improve a player's performance and may even help avoid injury. With a little guidance, every player should be able to choose the best fitting option among all the violin chinrest styles currently available.

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