By Tom Michaels

Some quick tips for getting the best photos with a digital camera:

Digital Photos On The beach

The difficulty with beach shots is commonly too much light which casts shadows in all the wrong places. Be sure the sun is behind the shutter-bug. Also, the natural light is more photograph friendly in the mid to late afternoon. Avoid cutting the photograph in half by taking it with the horizon line smack bang in the middle of the image. You want the horizon line to be straight, though not straight across the middle. Think in thirds when composing your pictures.

Photographing Flowers

Flowers can be photographed from many varied angles just be sure to select a fascinating focal point and do not forget to think in thirds when organizing your composition. To get the very finest colour reproduction avoid photographing flowers in brilliant light - but dimmer lighting means longer exposure times and this can end up in camera wobble so try utilising a tripod or camera stand.

Taking Digital Photos to Sell Your Stuff On EBay

It's said that a picture is worth 1,000 words and on EBay it has been proved that lists with good photos have more and higher bids. Set up a mini studio by clearing an area and setting up a plain background - a single color sheet is fine for this. You want viewers to be completely focused on the lot for sale, not examining the contents of your living room. Be conscious of reflective surfaces disclosing more of the paparazzo than she might expect, particularly if flash is used.

Using Your Digital Camera to Snap Fireworks

Capturing fireworks is difficult as you can not be completely sure where the wind will take them or what their fuse length is. Pick your location fastidiously - you do not need to disappear in a plume of firework smoke nor do you need your perspective of the sky obscured by overhanging branches or roofs. To get the very finest pictures of fireworks select manual settings and use ISO settings of less than 200. Observe the initial few fireworks to determine which part of the sky they illuminate so you know where to target your Nikon D3000 digital SLR camera. Open the shutter as fast as you hear the telltale shriek of a firework getting airborne and close it once the firework has exploded. Due to the long exposure times do use a stand or tripod to avoid wobble.

Action Shots With a Digicam

To capture clear action shots you want to set a very fast shutter speed so this is another example where choosing a manual mode might be more successful than leaving the camera to try and work things out for itself in car. Fast shutter speeds lead directly to low exposure times so lighting must be good. Zoom lenses restrict the quantity of light entering the camera so can make the obvious light available even poorer. For that reason it's better to get as close as you can to the topic instead of utilise a zoom lens. Decide on the highest ISO you have available to provide compensation for the low exposure times. A handful of fast times to getting the best photos with an electronic camera in a selection of favored photographic circumstances - remember nothing replaces practice.

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