By Rebecca Masters

James Durbin is enjoying himself in the spotlight as one of the five finalists of the prestigious talent show, American Idol. This young rock singer from the Santa Cruz, California has proven himself and skill to the judges as well as to the voting public. With all those fame surrounding him, you could help but wonder: who was this guy before he attained the spotlight in Idol? His former director, Wil Guilford of the Louden Nelson Community Center, shares some of the past of this exceptionally talent singer.

Durbin has actually quite a lot of experience before joining Idol. He has performed with his mentor Dave Ockerman and his band The White Ensemble, singing the Beatles' hit "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" to a standing ovation from the audience. Aside from that, he has also performed with the Kids on Broadway theatre group and under the direction of Guilford. Guilford describes the process as not being easy for Durbin, who has been diagned with functioning Asperger's Syndrome and Turret's Syndrome.

"You'll notice during Idol, when he's waiting for the judges. his ticks will be more pronounced," Guilford says of Durbin's Turret syndrome. "[B]ut when he sings, it all goes away," he adds.

Durbin had appeared at a production of "Kids on Broadway" in Santa Cruz, California when he was just 16. Guilford describes James impressing him the first time he had heard him sing on stage. He says that "[as] soon as [James]opened his mouth to sing... [I] said he could have any part in the theatre group. Guilford also indicates that James' talent was entirely "natural" and that he's "emotional" when he's so engrossed with his singing. That, for him, is what "touches people."

With his amazing talent and incredible support from friends, family and colleagues, James Durbin is well on his way to stardom... or he may have already found it as one of the top finalists of Idol.

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