By Hedrick Lepsch

Half the battle in printing is getting colors to come out right. Pictures don't always print out as well as they show up on the screen. Either the colors are all wrong, or they come out blurry. By the time you realize something is wrong, you usually don't have enough time to go back and recolor everything.

There are many people that have a hard time understanding how they can go about getting their documents professionally printed. When you are going to work on having your documents printed professionally you should be sure that you understand how to do it well.

First, you should be sure that you take the time that you need to understand how you are going to be wise about the way that you are going to find the printing press. When you are looking for a printing press you should be sure that you take time to find the printing press you can trust.

As you are looking you want to make sure that you are meeting with a few different printing presses. When you sit down for a consultation you have to be sure that you understand how you are going to discuss what you are looking for so that you can have an effective meeting.

The shiny and the matte will both give a whole new look to the paper that you are working on. You want to make sure that you take the time that you need to understand how you are going to be sure that you get the look that you want.

These colors are formed through light. Colored light mixes together to display an image. Due to the nature of light, it can produce certain colors that ink cannot. The same is true of ink.

Therefore, you can't count on an RGB image to print 100% correct in CMYK. Whenever possible, get an image formatted in CMYK to ensure that it will print as you expected.

While you are being wise about this process you should make sure that you are open and honest with the companies that you talk with. Take the time that you need to understand how you are going to work with the companies that can stay within your price range throughout the process.

Third, when you are choosing a company to print your publication you should be sure that you understand what products you want. You want to make sure that you find the best paper for the type of publication that you are going to be selling and giving out to people.

As you are looking for the best paper you should understand what is standard for the type of publication that you will be putting out. If consumers are expecting a specific type of paper when it comes to their product you should be sure that you are going to find that paper.

Linen paper is another form of paper that is very popular. You want to make sure that you are taking the time that you need to understand how you can be sure that you are going to find the linen that will work the best for you.

Higher dpi's display lines, shapes, and colors more accurately. 300 is usually standard resolution size to do most anything you need to print.

You can find out what the dpi setting is by asking the photographer, or importing the picture into Photoshop. If you click image in the navigation bar, then image size, Photoshop will tell you how many dots per inch exist in the current picture.

Make sure that you understand how you are going to go about talking with the company about what a reasonable time frame is. Talk about the time frame and ensure that your expectations are fulfilled but you will also want to make sure that your expectations are realistic.

Finally, you should make sure that you understand how you are going to take the time that you need to be wise about getting the printing published. Take time to find a publishing house that you know you are going to be able to trust and that will add credibility to the publication.

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