Why Have Fun Apps For Android

Posted by Georgy | 3/12/2013

By Anne Kelley

Technological advances have made countless functions of small devices possible. Smart functions such as calculation and carrying out of complicated tasks could only be done by desktops or laptops before. However, due to continuous technological advances, even small gadgets such as smartphones and tablets can already carry them out. This is made possible by fun apps for Android.

Android is an operating system based on Linux. Its design is primarily intended for mobile devices that uses touchscreen technology such as tablets and smartphones. It was developed initially by Android company. Later, Google backed it up and acquired the company by 2005. By the year 2007, it was finally unveiled with the release of its android-powered phone on October 2008.

Direct manipulation of screen objects employed by users is its primary interface. These manipulations may be through tapping, swiping, pinching, and reverse pinching. Applications are felt more by users of these devices through the addition of several devices which provide hipatic feedback. For example, tilting the screen can change orientation of the display and tilting or shaking of devices will be needed in some games.

Old cellphones were just confined to texting and calling. Other additional functions are recording and playing of music, calendar, and memos. However, with the arrival of more applications, phone functions are now wider and go beyond their limits. Some are free while others come with prices but are not generally expensive.

Some of these functions are just basic. These help one get information such as weather conditions and news from different sources. Internet access is allowed through them. One can complete reading the whole story through it. Since this program is synced with Google, email, calendar, chat programs, and several others can be easily accessed on the move. Some programs allow watching of video streams, television shows, and countless forms of entertainment.

Most associate them with fun only. However, even businessmen rely on them also. Stock, market, and other financial updates are provided through certain programs. Game addicts are flooded with enormous programs already out. Simple ones can be used to show different pictures and allows automatic transmission of freshly taken pictures to the World Wide Web.

The health community also provides another revenue for such applications. One can have a pedometer with them. This is very handy when one is conscious one exerting an effort to walk longer distances within the day to be healthier. Those having a strict diet can measure their overall intake and outputs by programs which balances calories eaten and energy expenditure through input of data such as food eaten and type of exercise and its duration. Finding tracks when riding bikes or trekking are made easier through GPS systems.

The most popular ones are those that are used for music entertainment. Even old cellphone models have developed this though limited since music is the easiest form of entertainment that one will want to carry around. However, smartphones have made them more enjoyable as accessing a library of music is made easier.

By having fun apps for Android, one can further make his devices more useable. No matter what type of person is having these smart devices, there is always a right program for him. A quick browse on different programs available will surely give more than one that can capture the interests of different users.

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