By Alicia Moore

Today the role of a professional wedding photographer in Singapore doesn't only involve documenting a a special event in the lives of a bridal couple. Unlike before, bridal couples in Singapore seek more creativity when it comes to their wedding. Some still go for traditional church weddings, while others go for more creative wedding types like destination weddings.

Hence as a wedding photographer, it is your task to be flexible in terms of photography styles and methods to employ. Furthermore, Singapore is well-known for its vast religious and cultural diversity. Hence, you can expect to cover weddings that reflect various cultures and religions, such as Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, and Christian weddings, over the course of your career.

Equipment And Tools For A Modern Wedding Photographer

To become a successful wedding photographer, you must have a set of central photography equipment and tools. The most important tool that you have to invest in is a reliable camera. For quality photos, you need a DSLR camera, although you can still make use of a film-based SLR camera if you favor this type. Many wedding photographers nowadays also use different lenses, such as those ranging from 24-70mm 70-200mm to 50mm.

To offer better photography services, you need to buy other equipment as well, including a tripod, a flash, reflectors, and a wireless trigger. You also have to master photo editing and use reliable photo editing software such as Adobe Photoshop for the post-processing of the images.

Know The Different Photography Techniques You Can Employ

When it comes to wedding photography singapore photographers generally employ two methods, and both are useful in telling a relevant story of "who" and "what". It is common for a wedding photographer Singapore to employ the traditional approach wherein the couple and other guests would pose for the camera. Its main purpose is to tell who are the people present in the event. The shots are often the ones that land in a family photo album.

On the other hand, contemporary wedding photography means focusing on what actually transpired in the wedding and infusing art into it. Bridal couples choose this style as it captures their raw emotions and actions, as well as their families and guests'. This technique also allows the wedding photographer to select creative angles to snap stolen shots of the people who are part of the event.

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