By Dolores Harrison

If you rewind to decades ago, the quality of professional photo prints was not superior way back. This can be understood because technology then was also limited in terms of knowledge and tools. In fact, film photography made use of the dark room to develop negatives and process prints from the roll. In contrast to this modern time, you will surely see the vast difference.

Printing labs of today have become more versatile in terms of the products and services that they offer. They are no longer limited to offering ID services that come in the usual mini sizes. In the shops, you see a handful of merchandise being displayed to complement the needs of the clients and make the offerings all encompassing in scope.

If you ask any photographer who has already proceeded to offering prints alongside the photography service itself, you will get unanimous affirmations about being discerning in choosing shops. With all the rigorous hours editing shots and mixing the right colors digitally, it is purely unacceptable when the results come out off to the taste. A common pet peeve in the industry is low quality printing with mediocre color grading.

When a person takes a photo with a high end camera, the computer screen of the user also has to be calibrated to match the colors. This corrective move is usual especially when vying to get optimal visual results. It is the same nitpicking done by those who want to get good value for their money. Thus, here are several tips in finding the right shop for you.

One factor that you should look into is the overall packaging of the products and services. Check the range of the sizes and see if they can accommodate large scale printing for clients who are collectors looking for a piece to display. Also, be particular about the ink grade and the quality of the paper so you will not be disappointed with the results.

While the above mentioned is already a given, you might want to probe a little further. Look for shops that offer all encompassing services to cater to all your needs. Frames do complement prints, so try to explore their packages. Some clients often request about framing some pieces for mounting, so you should expect this already.

As for photographers that cover events, it is usual to come across suggested ideas for giveaways. This is part of the merchandise offers made by shops. You can choose to go for laser printing on tees, mugs, postcards and anything else that can be printed on. This is a good idea for people who are fond of giving away novelty items.

As for weddings, it would also be a nice touch to add a photo book to the package. This is commonly inquired during the consultation phase, you have to be ready with a partner shop that provides a classy photo book binding to complement the photos you will take. Once you have good relations with the shop, you can expect prompt turnaround rates and better discounts in the future.

The next time you look for shops for professional photo prints, take note of these offers and select one according to the availability of all these. Although you have to go through the trial and error phase, you can always test it out with small orders. The important thing is that once you secure a partnership with a competent shop, printing will be readily offered from your end.

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