By Carmella Watts

Los Angeles used clothing refer to a clothing and textile industry. However, unlike other industries, this one does not make its commodities from new or original materials. Its commodities are made as recycled materials. The material used to make the commodities here are old clothes that people do not wish to wear anymore.

The final products of these industries are just like those of any other textile industry. The only difference is what is used in coming up with the end products. The recycled clothes can be manufactured to finally form other clothes, or other lesser substances such as rags. The commodities formed eventually are usually of the appearance of any other new commodities. They therefore can be sold in the market without the clients identifying that they were formed from old clothes.

The materials needed by this industry can never be obtained from any other source. The only possible source is the public. As such, when the industry feels that they are running out of the required materials, theirs is simple. They only have to communicate it to the public through the print or the electronic media and the supplies will be made. The people that provide this industry with the necessary raw materials usually are given other things in exchange.

Ion some case, some individuals may not even wait for the advertisement. These are those people who have identified that it is better giving them out in exchange of more productive things, other than keeping the garments yet they are of no use. The individuals may take them by themselves to the industry and give them either freely or at a fee. Some may act as intermediaries. These ones collect the garments from willing donors and then give them to the industries in exchange for other things.

The industry makes final garments resembling those from the original industry. However, the differences between them come in when taking into consideration the materials as well as the machinery used. The machines here are considerably cheaper and much simpler to operate. Even so, the employees working here require much more expertise in making the complete and final garments.

The various merits associated with this kind of production include the fact that profit margins are considerably higher as compared to those firms using thread. This is because the cost of obtaining the raw materials and machinery is much cheaper in the recycling industries. Environmental pollution is also minimized by getting rid of what would have otherwise polluted the surroundings.

However, much as the industry may benefit, the clients are exposed to very much suffering. This is primarily because the end products of these material may not be as of good quality as those of the ones made of thread. This is attributed to the fact that the thread there had been used severally hence lost its original strength.

Los Angeles used clothing is one of the most established industries in the recycling sector. Many people appreciate its activities because they are more useful than detrimental. It also has helped cut down on the cost of operation of the general public.

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