Various Types Of Turbans For Sale

Posted by Georgy | 7/16/2013

By Carmella Watts

Turbans for sale are available in varieties to meet the demands of different wearers regarding design and taste. The dimensions and other properties are guided by the culture from where the wearer has borrowed the design. The industry has seen an emergence in design variations especially due to the entry of professional designers. The results are personalized turbans with custom colors and dimensions.

The design plays a crucial role in determining the features of each turban. Sikh men are known for their characteristic peak design which is pointed at the front. They are required to completely cover their heads and conceal their long hair. It should never be cut according to their religion. This demands a long cloth that is also wide enough to achieve these objectives. The hair is set in such a way as to achieve the pointed peak.

Muslim religious leaders have gifted the industry another style where the turban is tied on the cap. The style is either a sphere or a con and may come in different styles. It is not a requirement that all religions wear the turban which takes away some significance for Muslims.

Taliban men adopted dynamic styles for their turban which demands different dimensions when purchasing their cloth. Each section in the country has something unique to incorporate in the turban. The differences are evident in intertwined cloths of multiple colors. Some sections of the country have stuck with the plain black color. Hats have also taken the place of turbans in some areas.

The turban tradition is thought to have its origin in Iran. It is therefore not surprising to find that their religious leaders have a unique style. Theirs is mainly black or white and is wrapped circular or flat on the cap. The other name for this cloth is dulband. One will require a different length and width to effectively achieve each design.

In India, the turban has remained a symbol of caste, profession, religious affiliation and class. This has resulted in a dynamic creation of designs and colors to depict these social symbols. There is something unique in every piece of cloth with elaborate features. Incorporation of beadwork with different styles and fancy designing makes these clothes expensive and colorful. They remain a symbol of societal status and wealth.

The Keffiyeh, commonly used in Palestine, deviates slightly from the strict definition of a turban. It is folded diagonally and draped on the head. It is rectangular in shape. This headgear was popularized by Yasser Arafat and has been picked by men in Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the Arab Persian Gulf. Each country has gone ahead to add a unique dimension to its turban.

Turbans used by desert people have a totally different purpose. They are used to cover the face from dust. They are used as tribal identities as well and can be used as disguise from a distance. They come in different colors and with different meanings.

Turbans for sale depend on the design that once wishes tie. They are available in different colors at affordable prices. The different sizes and materials can be selected online with a reliable and convenient checkout and delivery system. The fabrics are high quality, durable, easy to maintain and offer excellent value for money.

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