By Danielle Galloway

Hiring a coach to teach your child on how to play the piano chords is a very challenging task. That is because there is plenty that you can get. Choosing them is not as easy as finding them because this entails background checking, asking of references and making sure they are experienced and qualified for the job.

It is important that he be taught the basics the proper way. They say start right so that you will end right. The same principle applies in this situation. You want your child to learn how to play the instrument, then you go find a competent coach.

They can easily do that and come up with an excuse. You will find yourself scrambling for a replacement, which is bad because this affects the course of plan of educating your kid. If you work with a company, you can trust that they can always send someone right away to replace the absentee coach.

A company is much more organized in their system than a freelance individual. You can also protect yourself against circumstances where in the instructor suddenly goes all missing in action. Have a service contract drawn. You can state in the contract all the terms and conditions of the service including always having a replacement when a teacher is absent or suddenly decided to quit on the job.

Granting that the cost of the service of the freelancer is much less than the cost of service of hiring a company, you are prone to encounter replacement problems with freelancers when they decide to stop the service or cancels an appointment. That is because the freelancer is an independent person working for himself and usually alone. If he cancels on the service, he cannot just get another person to fill in for him during practice.

You can bring it to court if you want and let the coach pay for damages. For your kid, the first instruction is always the crucial one. The first coach will be the first learned person who will fill in your child with what he needs to know in order to learn music and the instrument.

A competent person is needed to do that if you want your kid to have a good foundation of the lesson or education. You have your objectives when you decided to hire a coach for private lessons. This should guide you during the hiring. Consider the personality of the teacher.

The worst thing that could happen is that either the tutorial class today is cancelled and moved to a later date. Or this will be a wasted day as far as tutorial class is concerned. A makeup class should be demanded. It is alright if the absence of the tutor is only for a short period of time or temporary.

If it is long term, then you really have to look for a new tutor. Had you hired a company for the service, you would not have a problem with who is going to substitute while the teacher is out. A company can always send a replacement because they employ several tutors for piano chords lesson.

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