By Dawn Williams

Services businesses should always be on the lookout for new ways to bring in extra profits and hair salons are no exception. Any products that are in demand and also compliment the services sold make an excellent addition to the profit margin. Salons purchasing cheap feather extensions enjoy providing both a service and product in high demand.

You should not be surprised to hear of feathers being used in today's hairstyles. For thousands of years people have used feathers in their hair and clothing. Ceremonial costumes in some regions may have hundreds of brightly colored feathers from different types of birds. They were and still are used in religious ceremonies and celebrations.

The installation process is very simple. The hair stylist selects a small section of hair to receive the feathers and uses a small clamp device made from wire to secure them. It is both fast and painless. After installation the clamp should be perfectly place so there is no discomfort. Adjustments can be made easily if needed.

Once in place, these feathers can be washed without fear of them loosening or fading. They are quite resilient and most hair care products will not have an adverse affect on them. They should be removed before using hair coloring as feathers will become stained if they come into contact with hair coloring.

One of the reasons they are so appealing is that they are a totally natural way to add special highlights and bright colors to hair. No harsh chemicals or painful processes are used to secure them in place. They are ideal for any age group since they are so harmless. Children especially love them and parents are usually agreeable because of the safety and beauty of these items. Another plus for everyone is they are essentially carefree. Just treat them like regular hair.

A wide variety of styles can be made by mixing and matching the colors and lengths of feathers. For individuals who like to stand out in the crowd the vibrant colors will be a nice contrast to the natural hair color. For those looking to be a little more subtle there are colors that blend and compliment any hair color. No matter what type of personality you have these accessories will be a compliment.

Decorative feathers come in both natural and synthetic varieties. Either of the two will add beauty and style to your hair the only difference is your preference to having the natural or synthetic feathers. Some of the synthetics come with added adornment such as beads and glitter effects. Faux feathers tend to be just a bit more resilient than the natural.

If you are a salon owner you already know the importance of keeping up with fashion trends. By purchasing cheap feather extensions you can offer these attractive hair accessories to your clients at a much more attractive price than your competition. This will make your shop the most popular place in your area to get them.

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