By Helene Norris

Martial arts clothing play a critical role in this sport as their variation represent more than one may thinks, starting with their colors that tells the position one holds. With this variations, instructors can differentiate students in terms of their ranks as one can mistakenly been placed in an advanced group where they would be forced to perform complicated moves.

In order to enhance comfortability, the material used should be of a certain cotton and more so, the measurements should be fitting to the person wearing them. Moreover, one is bound to sweat a lot because of the intensity of most moves, and therefore putting some clothes can be uncomfortable and consequently affecting the performance.

Considering the moves that most of them perform in these sessions, one ought to have outfits that are flexible so as to ensure that are able to work out as they should. This sport is known to entail lots of workouts and therefore people should be comfortable while doing it; otherwise, one may develop complications whereby they constantly have muscle pulls.

Additionally, they are availed in different colors which represent the various ranks that people hold based on their performance and the skills they have acquired. In terms of the various categories put up in this sport, gender is usually a basis of variation as people are ranked based on their performance; for this male and female train together and can even be put up for friendly matches to weigh their performance.

White, black and red and usually the colors used in designing these clothes as they represent the different ranks that students are placed in based on their performance. White is meant for beginners, while black and red are given to the advanced students as they progress with the classes. The red ones are for the advanced students who are almost graduating and can be certified to be instructors.

As part of the sport, one is required to wear protective gears just to ensure that they are in no risk of hurting themselves while training. Safety is highly valued and therefore, various safety measure have been put in place to ensure that the students are protected. In addition, there are regulations that are taught to every student ensuring that they know their limits so as to discourage violence.

Amongst them is a helmet, punching gloves and guards for both the hands and legs; this are meant to enhance safety ensuring that one is not hurt in the course of the training. In addition, the instructors are trained to enhance safety and are also equipped with the necessary appliances in case there is an accident in the course of the training.

Martial arts clothing entail different customized outfits that are meant to fit the different sizes of students who enroll for this sport. In the past few years, there have been a huge growth in the popularity and the amount of people growing fond of this sport; for this, the number of people practicing it have significantly increased which then increases the number of outfits required.

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