By Lila Berger

These days it is very interesting to observe the many things people do for fun. Individuals often like to take part in races over the week end. For many their running clubs arrange races for them to partake in, which they train for after work during the week. Of course the great thing about the whole race is that these clubs also arrange for the best marathon photography as well. This is super as this way you can get pictures of yourself running the race. They also capture the moment when you reach the finish line and walk away with the prize and gold medal.

For many people the idea of running is very important. Many start this as a matter of keeping trim and in tone. This eventually becomes boring and then they look for competition to compete with. This is often a friend who will join and once the two of you have gotten really fast it is the idea of your first competition that makes you feel excited.

The fun really starts here as these clubs are popular and full of competitors. For the competitive runner this is a goo d idea as this way they are faced with not only many other folk, but with professional athletes as well. This is a great way to improve your running as you have more to achieve when it comes to race preparation.

The clubs that arrange these challenges make it very inspiring and many of them offer large prizes for the winners. This is great if you are competitive and are willing to put the effort in so that you win the race. Everyone stands the chance of winning if that is what they set their minds to. A win for you is also a win for the club and everyone tries their best.

Should you have done the mileage and be ready for a big race you would then be able to enter it. This is when you pay your entry fee and get your race number. One has to make sure that you are in peak condition and that you do not get sick before a race. A simple cold or cough could mean you cannot do the race.

Running is not only a physical activity but also very you also have to be very mentally and emotionally fit. Long distance running gives you a lot of time to think of things and although you may be expending a lot of energy, many people find it very therapeutic. Most people do this for fun and then it becomes a challenge as they get better at it.

On the day of the race everything is very exciting. There are usually thousands of other runners and you get ready to start with hundreds of other runner in front of you. The idea is to make your way through the not so serious runner and make you way to the front of the pack as soon as possible. This is the only way to win the race.

Once you have hit the road and do not see any other runner ahead of you, you dare not look back. You simply keep going until you hear the crowds and see the finish line a few yards ahead of you. Once you hit the finish line it is all over and you will be able to rest. The winnings will be yours and the marathon photography that is done at the time will capture the look on your face forever.

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