By Katrina Wheeler

A piano chords chart is a real practical tool, especially if you are beginning piano lessons. Basic chord knowledge will offer you the basis and structure of your keyboard playing. The sooner you memorize some harmony, the easier will be for you to perform plenty of styles of music.

The piano chord chart ready for you to download includes the basic harmony: major, minor, and seventh. After you commit to memory a few harmony well, you will be prepared to undertake additional areas of music such as: playing from a counterfeit book, scripting songs, doing keyboard addition, managing and positioning.

There are things you must learn about if it is your intention to not only learn but perfect playing the keyboard. To ask the question how you can benefit from learning things such as keyboard harmonies would seem rather silly but just to get this thought out of your head anyway, let us try to understand how harmonies in keyboard offer to bring you benefits.

You will discover that even today, numerous people who play classical music, and sometimes popular music, have little or no knowledge of harmony. Since they are playing the notes just as they appear on the sheet music, they do not have to know the harmony. This piano chord chart will give you a quick start, and when you can play some harmony well, you will have a new world of possibilities available.

A year ago, a woman called and asked that the teenage son, after watching the play at a private reunion, got a phone number from a friend. Further, questioned if you would be willing to accompany on the keyboard for an upcoming recital. She sounded worried to have called a few teachers to play keyboard accompaniment for sax performance".

It was surprised that none of the teachers knew how to play keyboard accompaniment for the teenage. This prompted the mother query if they could meet so as they see the sheet music of the songs to be played during the recital. The songs were in lead sheet form, which means sheet music showing just the melody and the chord symbols above with no bass clef.

None of the teachers could play the accompaniment because, although they knew the keyboard harmony, they did not know how to play them for an accompaniment. To put it differently, they could not make an accompaniment applying the chord symbols listed. Once you memorize a few of the harmony on this keyboard chord chart, you will see their benefits and practical use.

At this point you probably are not ready for simple arrangements, but this will give you some idea of the benefits you get after memorizing a few harmony well. This keyboard chord chart contains the basic harmony, and later on you will add more advanced piano chords. If you were blessed with an ear for music, you will play harmony a lot easier and understand better the importance and benefits of knowing harmony to make your keyboard playing simpler. It is time for you to start practicing these harmony so you can enjoy your choice of music.

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