By Bonnie Contreras

If you are looking for a musical instrument that you can add to your collection, then you should start looking around for a vintage saxophones for sale. This item can be quite expensive as they are not very common. The history behind every antique also matters. If you get one that was possessed by a famous musician, then you will have to part with some good cash. Read on and see how to choose one.

You should determine your exact purpose of purchasing the instrument. If you want to play rock or jazz music, then a tenor saxophone will be appropriate. However, the Alto one is best for beginners who wants to develop their playing skills. However, if you just buying antique items for your collections, then you can buy any type that you are contented with including the baritone.

Have a price range to work with. Buying antiques is not easy; one must be a tight spender as well as a good bargainer. Prices are never constant as is the case with new ones. Every seller has a different price while factors such as location and age of the item also affect the price. It is advisable to know the average market price so that you can set your limit.

Visit a number of shops that stock antiques. It is good to do a comparison so that you know what is available in the market. You may be surprised to find an item that is of better quality being sold considerably lower than another of lesser quality in a different location is. Even if you meet w dealer that does not have what you want, just talk to them as they may give you some vital information.

Ensure that you always go with an expert. This is important especially if it is your first time to buy this mouth piece. The professional will help you to test the vintage product and inspect the horn to ensure there is no damage. Furthermore, he or she will test the intonation and check for any leaking pads.

Ensure that you ask several questions regarding the instrument before purchasing it. This will give you enough information regarding the item, which is important particularly if you are an antique collector. Inquire about its history, how and where it was used. In addition, you should know if it has ever been refurbished or repaired.

Look at the delicate parts. If it is genuine, then these parts must have been worn out, so you should be able to see some sings even under the paint. Parts such as the key corks, felt, and pads wear out with time. If lacquer has been reapplied on the horn, then the value can fall dramatically.

Ensure that you check the type of finish used on the instrument. Musicians have modernized the look of these items by removing the silver plating and refurbishing it in brass or gold. Therefore, always go for a tarnished instrument that has some scratches and nicks rather than one that is incredibly shiny for its presumed age.

Check where the vintage saxophones for sale was made. In the old days, commercial makers were countable and quite known. The tuning and operation of the instrument will largely depend on how it was made. Therefore, check these qualities before you close the purchase.

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