By Katrina Wheeler

The secret to always looking great is in the accessories you choose. You can, like the legendary Coco Chanel, turn any plain little black dress into something fabulous just by adding a string of pearls, for instance. Another accessory that can transform any outfit without having to put in too much effort is a great scarf. The ultimate is a designer one but it doesn't have to cost you an arm and a leg. Simply try to find a couple of Hermes scarves on sale and you'll be able to create hundreds of looks with only a few wardrobe basics.

Hermes is one of the most famous and oldest names in fashion. The company was started in the early 19th century and originally made bridles, harnesses and saddles for the elite. Just after World War I the company produced its first leather garment and in the 1920s it introduced handbags. Women's couture followed in 1929 and in 1937, the first of the iconic Hermes scarves hit the shelves.

Every scarf usually measures 90 cm on each side. Sometimes it is made of a cashmere and silk blend but most of the time the fabric used is pure silk. It's never just a plain square of fabric but instead color is added through detailed designs.

The scarves had hardly been released or they became a fashion icon. Film stars and royalty alike have been seen sporting the squares of fabric. Princess Grace of Monaco, once an Oscar-winning actress named Grace Kelly, even used one as a sling when she broke her arm. Some people have their scarves framed or made into cushions and every 25 seconds, someone somewhere in the world buys a Hermes scarf.

The company makes use of freelance artists to come up with the colorful designs and it can take as much as a year to come up with a new one. When the design is finalized, it's sent to the workshop where for the next six months or so, all the separate colors in the design are determined. On average a scarf has 27 colors. Individual screens are then prepared and each color is printed separately. The final touch is to hand-stitch the edges.

Because of the size and the texture of the fabric, there is an almost infinite number of ways to tie your scarf. You can start by folding it into a triangle. Tie this around your neck as is or fold it lengthwise until you have a narrow strip. This can then be knotted around your neck any way you want.

You can use the scarf for much more than simply tying it around your neck. It makes a great headscarf or turban for a bohemian look. It can be used for creating tops or even tunics. If you knot the corners together, you can create a bag. It also makes a great gift wrap in the Japanese style. There are video tutorials online and the company has its own app, called Silk Knots, that will give you some ideas too.

If you desire one but can't afford it, you simply need to know when you'll find Hermes scarves on sale. Upscale department stores and boutiques that stock them usually have their sales in January or at the end of the winter or summer season. Another good idea is to check auction websites because here you may find vintage designs that aren't available anywhere else anymore, so you'll be uniquely stylish.

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