By Cornelia White

Elvis is one of America's most popular and famous singers of all time. His fame and popularity continue today nearly forty years after his death. There is no doubt that you can find an Elvis tribute San Francisco to attend. There are thousands of impersonators worldwide and with any luck the one you choose to see will provide you with a stellar performance.

He began singing as a child in the church he and his mother attended. His career as a rock and roll singer did not start until 1956 when he recorded Heartbreak Hotel for RCA. His success with that song and appearances on television with Jack Paar and Ed Sullivan made him a star. He sang in all arenas of music from ballads to rock-a-billy. His ability to cross over into all types of music gathered audiences from all age and social groups.

His career eventually took him to Hollywood and he starred in several movies that although they made plenty of money were not Academy Award winners. After a short break that lasted approximately seven years he made his come back and returned to the live stage for the rest of his life. Three days after his death in 1977 a new song was released and became an instant hit. There have been new versions of his music released nearly every year since his death.

His talent was so great that copying the full spectrum of his music is nearly impossible. There are impersonators that can mimic his posture, stage presence, dress and speech patterns but few can successfully duplicate his entire range of music. Perhaps that is why he is called the King.

With so many professional impersonators in the city you can book the King for birthdays, weddings, graduation parties or any other event that you have a notion to host. Most will give an excellent performance that will please you and your guests. Unfortunately you will have to look for a much larger venue to find something that qualifies as a tribute to the King.

Fans and followers often hold conferences in honor of the King. Impersonators dress the role and perform on and off stage. A general atmosphere of party prevails and the public is encouraged to attend and enjoy the show. Through all of this, the professionals find time to peruse auditoriums filled with memorabilia and unique items to add to their repertoires.

In September 2013 the Giants base ball team sponsored a game dedicated to his memory with all proceeds going to charity. During the game and prior to it the audience was treated to performances by some of the best impersonators available. The first twenty thousand attendees were given bobble-head dolls and posters depicting the event. The game was a sell out and many fans came dressed as The King.

This Giant's game proved to be a great success and is the most current Elvis tribute San Francisco. Everyone was a winner on that September 2013 night. The Giants won the game, the fans were wowed by the entertainment, gifts and prizes and the Elvis Presley Charitable Foundation received thousands of well deserved dollars.

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