By Jeannie Chapman

Having a child is a wondrous event that provides a lifetime of memories. And while you'll have plenty of cell phone camera photos of your new baby, there's nothing like having professional photos done. That means finding a newborn photographer Melbourne to get things done right. You won't regret the decision of having your images done by an experienced pro who knows how to get the best shots.

Having high quality equipment is only a small part of taking great photographs. An experienced professional will make sure the scene is lit correctly, the background fits and the pose is perfect. They will also know how to capture that perfect look, even if the baby's not in the perfect mood that day. This is the real benefit of hiring a newborn photographers Melbourne.

A popular option is to have the portraits done at home. This allows the baby and parents to be in a comfortable location and can help if your newborn is a bit fussy. The photographer can bring some backgrounds and props as well. He or she may also suggest some out of door shots. This can be done at the home, or they may suggest a nearby playground, park or other location.

Shooting photos in the studio is also an option. This will give you more choice over backgrounds and props. It also means the lighting will be better controlled. A popular trend is to dress the newborn in a furry and fun costume. You've probably seen some portraits with babies in dragon suits, dressed as vegetables and fruits and many other things. They'll have a number of props to work with too.

So where do you go to find a newborn photographers Melbourne? Most turn to the internet. This is a good route as you'll be able to quickly find who is nearby, but also you'll be able to check out examples of their work online. Check to see if they do in fact specialize in newborns. Babies require special skills so make sure they have plenty of experience. If the majority of their work isn't newborns, you might want to look elsewhere.

If possible build a short list of two or three possibilities. Then contact each and have a conversation. It is really important that you feel a good connection with the photographer. There are a lot of people out there who can take quality photos, but to get something magical requires a level of trust and comfort. Ask about their experience overall and with newborns/babies specifically. Ask what types of portraits they specialize in and ask them to share their favorite shots.

Of course pricing is an important aspect of the interview. Don't be timid about asking about the session price and printing prices. Some photographers will allow you to simply buy the digital files and do the printing yourself. You'll pay a bit more for the session, but if you plan to print a lot of copies, this may be the least expensive way to do things. Also ask about retouching experience. No matter how beautiful your baby, blemishes and such will likely always show up, so retouching experience is important.

Having a newborn in the home is a wonderful time. Capture those moments properly with a newborn photographer Melbourne. They will bring a wealth of experience and so you'll end up with much better photos then what you could do yourself. Even if Uncle Bob has a great camera, you'll be glad you went with a professional to shoot your newborns first real portrait.

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