By Cornelia White

From the time of Hollywood icons like Sofia Loren and Grace Kelly scarves have added to their style, glamour, and classic look. There were many ways these pieces could be used from covering your hair while traveling in a convertible to as a sling for a broken arm. So looking for vintage Hermes scarves for sale is the opportunity to bring their panache to your world.

In 1837 the Hermes company began by creating harnesses for carriages. Soon they were looking to create the perfect travel or storage bag. Slowly but surely they made their way to women's couture. And the Hermes scarf made its appearance in 1937. Each was a ninety by ninety square made from some of the strongest silk in the world.

These works of art are made with the utmost care and consideration. All their hems are hand sewn. They have over 25,000 designs and every year they come out with two collections. Smaller scarves have been created and mixed with cashmere to create another level of grace and panache and give one the opportunity to add to their accessories. They are usually worn with clothing, but you can also make pillows or even hang them as accent points in your home.

While it's still amazing to buy directly from Hermes today, the thrill of finding a vintage piece is like going on a hunt. Looking for past designs or patterns will not only give you something that never goes out of style to wear, it will also give you story to go with the piece. Making sure that the design you find has the designer's signature and the copyright is correct is the first step to ensuring you have an authentic example.

There are many places to try to find the original pieces such as consignment stores, antique shops, and boutiques. Make sure that you are in fact purchasing an actual Hermes. Counterfeit of high end products happens often so you want to make sure you know what to look for when you're buying a potential vintage piece.

Many aspects will give away a fake. The biggest is that the accent mark on the second e in the Hermes goes toward the back, not to the front. Any tag should be written in French. If you find another language on the tag, that's a clear indicator that you have a forgery. Another big indicator is if the hem is hand sewn and rolled toward the correct side which is the bright side of the design.

The first place you want to look for what you want is on the internet. Type in vintage Hermes scarf and you'll find a plethora of sites that have the items you want available. There are specific sites like Etsy and eBay that have many individuals selling what you desire. Make sure to check their past reviews to know what quality their product is and if the transaction was successful. This will give you an indication what quality of product you'll receive.

Looking for a vintage hermes scarves for sale will be a lot of fun. Like a challenge, you'll need to hunt for the perfect classic piece to enhance your wardrobe. You might want to get an idea of what kind of design you might want by checking out a book of all the patterns and designs they've created. Once you narrow down the chic elegance you want, it will make it easier to find the exact piece you want.

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