By Leanne Goff

If you want to temporarily color your hair then hair color chalk could be the best option that you can go for. It is a very easy and convenient way to color without getting them damaged. It is a fact that when you use permanent dyes there is a huge risk that your hair would be damaged but when you use chalk, it comes out as soon as you wash while using a shampoo.

To apply color chalk is very easy, first of all you need to choose among different colors. It is totally up to you whether you use just a single color or go for more than one colors. Those who have light colored shade, then even lighter or milder shades would suit perfectly but if the tone is bit darker then you might have to use brighter colors so that it remains visible.

They are better used as highlighters because dying every single strand with a chalk could be a very time consuming process. Always style them first then start applying the chalks otherwise you might not get the effect you desired.

Take a little cup of water and a paint brush for applying purposes. Just verify you don't utilize a ton of water because in the event that you utilize substantial amount of water throughout provision, it might effect the shade and it will not look vibrant. To dodge any stains on your apparel you might as well wrap a towel under your neck.

Take a small chalk piece, dip it into water and while using a paint brush start the process of application. Paint every single inch of the area you want to be colored. While diluting chalks, just make sure you don't dilute two different colors into same water and also the quantity of water must be just enough not too less or too much.

When you have finished one layer, take the small piece out of the water and apply it through the hair. More layers that you apply makes it look more darker as well as brighter. Continuously apply from the roots and work towards the ends. Continue following the same pattern until you feel totally fulfilled.

After you have dyed, don't brush your hair combing or brushing can cause the shade to lighten up and it won't look exceptional. It might stay the way it is until the following time you wash. The exceptional bit is that no harm is initiated whatsoever, its one of the most safest dyes that you could use on yourself.

To utilize hair color chalk is extremely basic and simple. Anybody can do that without any problem, the main issue is that since they are not perpetual hence, you have to be additional cautious when going out in blustery climate and also you need to abstain from brushing as it will cause harm to the already applied shade.

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