By Emily Bryan

America's Birthday, the Fourth of July, is an important time in the United States. We like to take a day or so and go to a favorite vacation spot to have fun, celebrate, and be with friends and family. We take this time pretty seriously and make a big deal out of it becasue it is a major Holiday. I am thankful to live in th United States and enjoy the freedoms our forefathers layed out for us all. I think it is a blessing to live here and a special viewpoint to get to see life through this lens.

It is so easy to take it for granted and this time of year, the Fourth of July is a time to remember the wonderful opportunities we have by simply being born in America or transfering citizenship. I was fortunate to spend the weekend in our Nations Capitol. Of course I took my camera and got some shots along the way. Surprizingly, one of my favorite spots to stop was Arlington National Cemetery .The stark contrast of such sacred grounds amid a flurry of otherwise fun activity has so much meaning.

Georgetown was also a great side trip. A nice place to relax, and shop. Out past Reagan International Airport is Alexandria, Virginia. Talk about photo opportunities. It is a beautiful town, too, with plenty to see.

Of course, a walk on the Washington DC Mall is a necessary sightseeing adventure . The architecture and bold structures are always so much more vivid in person. The weather was mostly good except for a major downpour on the third, that scattered tourists and workers for a few hours.

On our way back to Columbia, the TV coverage of al we had just experienced was on Public Television. It was a real head turner to watch what we had just experienced from the TV perspective. All in all it was a very nice trip to Washington DC. I am glad to have spent the Fourth of July in our Nations Capital. Got some decent photos, too. I am ready to return and stay a little longer next time.

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