The Artist From First Breath

Posted by Georgy | 12/11/2011

By Xander Davenport

I come from a long line of talented craftsmen. Some of my relatives worked with wood and later steel, others with fabric and some with the land. When I gave birth to my daughter, I was hoping she'd have the same talent as me, writing. But as she grew and her character began to blossom, it was all too clear that craft which was her birthright was art.

At only three years old she spent majority of her time drawing and painting. Naturally her masterpieces were not gallery worthy at this stage, but that didn't stop them being hung in the gallery De Fridge. From drawings with crayons of the family to adorning the driveway with chalk squiggles, she may not have all of the abilities yet, but she certainly had the passion to burn.

She grew up much faster than I could believe and in the blink of an eye she was in elementary school. It was here that she truly began to engage folk with her creations. Craft was her favorite in and out of school activity and her teachers always told me how impressed they were with her unique work and flare. For her eighth birthday I bought her paints, brushes and a canvas or 2 from the local art supplies shop, it was truly the best purchase I ever made.

Coming to the end of high school my daughter's ability for art really shone. Branching out from traditional painting, she dove head first into creative outlets, employing a great variety of craft tools and craft supplies. Poster paints gave way to oil paints, glitter pens to lovely ink and fountain pens. Her works were completely varied using different subjects, themes, styles and angles as she explored the world of art.

Framing a print of one of her best selling works was a humbling day. When I see her art I like to think of all of the papers that used to flutter about her room and the extensive amounts of sketch books full of doodles and designs. Sure, some of her skills came from art classes, but I believe almost all of it is a genetic gift from our heritage, an ability that she has valued, I have prided and we both feel blessed to have.

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