Info For The Amateur Photographer

Posted by Georgy | 12/14/2011

By Nats Musder

A photograph camera is the device you make pictures with. Thru photographic film or in more current days a chip or sensor you are able to capture light and make a photograph! The storage medium could be the strip of film or a hard disk, sd or xd card.

If you want to form or shoot a photograph you need to control the lens to persuade the amount of light that's being let through. On the digicams you do this by using the interface and with analogue devices you use the lens itself for this. The light is then stored on the storage device I called earlier prepared to be either processed. When you are using an analogue camera you proces in a lab or with a machine to develop the film. What happens then is that a chemical reaction lifts the colours out of the film. This is because of the reaction between the chemical liquids and the surface of the printing paper.

Digital Photography

With digital cameras you record or shoot the photo and the light is captured by a CCD or CMOS chip. This chip translates the light info into a digital format. What you are left with is a raw, jpeg or other type of file on the storage medium. The reason digital photography is favored by the overall public is it's simplicity of use. You simply put your card into the PC. Some cameras can be linked with the computer with a USB connection. Either way you have direct access to your photographs and you do not have to wait for a lab to close developing your film! The ultimate result is the same because digital photographs can be printed as well. Some photography enthusiasts still like analogue cameras though. To them it's got a special feel to it which can on occasion be seen but you can not actually point it out as such.

The second big advantage of digital photography is you can take a look at your photos before you print them. If you have shot on film you must know the feeling. You pick up your prints and half the photos are simply a blur of people, absolutely black or fully washed out. You are expected to pay as much for these prints as you pay for the standard ones! And that is fair. The laboratory should not have to lose earnings because of the disability of their customers! Either way, with digital photography you can now pick the photographs you need to print before going to the laboratory!

I shoot a large amount of kinderportretten. Parents can be very picky so it's best to shoot a large amount of photo's and present them a massive selection to select from. Digital photography makes this possible!

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