By Lilian Redhage Creech

Photography can be a great art form and a great way to get rid of the stress in your life. If you love taking pictures or even, looking at great photography, you can also find pause in every day things that many may not ever see again. Like they always say, a picture is worth a thousand words.

To get an interesting photograph, play around with the lighting. If the natural lighting is not perfect, do not feel the need to resort to your camera's flash. Play with the shadows on the scene, or move your subject into the light and let the darkness eliminate the background behind them. There are many ways to play with light that might initially seem less than favorable but work out well in the end.

Make sure the background you choose complements the subject of the photo. If you take a photo of a model against a busy background, the viewer's attention is going to be drawn to the background rather than the clothes. As a general rule, simple backgrounds with colors that contrast with those of the subject are ideal.

Consider investing in a camera strap that can be worn around your neck at all times. Everyone knows that the most cherished photographs are usually the ones that are taken spontaneously and without a lot of posing. Having your camera hanging around your neck keeps your hands free, while the camera is still available in an instant to snap that once-in-a-lifetime shot.

Shoot and aim quickly. If you are taking a picture of an object that is moving, or could move suddenly (such as a perched bird) take the first photo as quickly as possible. This ensures you have at least one photo of your subject, even if it is not perfect. Once you grab the initial shot, if the subject allows for it, you can take a second, more carefully aimed picture. It is better to have several images to choose from than to spend precious seconds framing the first shot only to have your subject fly off.

Pay attention to the foreground when you're shooting a landscape. Many photographers pay attention to the background of a landscape shot and neglect the foreground, but the foreground is what the viewer will see. Compose the foreground of your shot to create a more striking frame and increase the appearance of depth.

Invest in a side mount flash. A flash mounted off to the side is going to provide a much more natural looking source of light for your photos than one directly above your lens.A common beginner's mistake is to place one's thumb on the lens while taking a photograph. This causes a blurry spot to appear in the corner of a photograph. You should make sure your lens is clean and that you are not obstructing it with your thumb before taking a picture.

As was mentioned at the beginning of this article, photography is a pastime that appeals to many people. However, some people never bother to pursue photography because they are intimated by the complexity of photography and the amount of information available. Apply this article's advice and you'll be on your way to photographing with ease.

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