By Martin Fisher

Making special occasions such as weddings, birthdays and anniversaries unique and special can be difficult after previously successful events. Original ideas to make parties go with a bang are important of people are to remember the event for years to come. Photo booth hire may be a way to do just that.

Photo booths are predominantly automated systems designed to take photographs of people for identification purposes. They deliver up to four separate photos at a time, which can be delivered in under five minutes. These seemingly mundane pieces of equipment have been modified to provide a fun and exciting focal point for parties and celebrations ideal for wedding photo booth hire.

Hire is usually for the day but many companies charge by the hour with a three hour minimum. The price of hire will normally include an expert to make sure the event is a success. The first stage of hire is for the customer to choose how the booth will be decorated. Custom designs can be created are there are normally a selection of popular packages for weddings and birthdays.

Once in place, guests can take their photos throughout the day, creating a sort of photo journal that can be kept to remember the day. However, the fun often starts with themed booths. Staff come armed with an array of appropriate clothing to fit in with the theme. So whether its 1930s Chicago gangsters or characters from science fiction, people get to dress up and have their photo taken.

Also included in basic hire are usually all the props needed to make the photos look as authentic as possible. The resulting photos are often available in black or white and can be available for pick up within five minutes. To ensure that nothing is forgotten, the party planner will also receive a full album of all the photos taken on the day on CD.

Following the event, many companies offer the facility of ordering a range of merchandise featuring the photos. These items include clothing, mugs, stationery and computer graphics. The big appeal of these booths is that people who are normally reluctant to have their photos taken are enticed into doing so by the fun and unique nature of the process.

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