By Szllssy Berta

Way back the olden days, many homeowners were simply contented with utilizing shower curtain as enclosure for their shower area. The reasons for them were because of the ease and simplicity in the installation and maintenance of the shower curtain.

The shower door if smeared with these elements for a prolonged period can result to the shaping of rust and mold which is not good. Cleaning the shower door at least every six months is practically advisable to have its service longer.

Having said that, there exists now a popular demand for sliding shower door type, that it now becomes the very basic furniture item in the bathroom aside from the toilet. This fixture usually is aluminium-based and the surface panel is categorized into: one, being transparent and the other, being semi-transparent.

A brush for this matter can be very handy to access these hidden parts of the shower door. If unsuccessful in the cleaning attempt, a vacuum machine could be used. For the door knob, spraying with penetrating oil is a good recourse to get rid of dirt.

Homeowners should get the habit of using safe and effective cleaning agents for the shower door. They're not only harmless to the skin but equally safe for the environment.

The cleaning task will be of no avail as dirt continues to exist. A brush could help with the job but for deeply embedded stain, vacuuming them could be much better. But in order to be more efficient in the task, knowing the location and functionality of the parts will be a pretty good start.

The task of removing impurities from the shower door involves a thorough cleaning technique. If you have to use cleaning substance, ensure to get away from harsh chemicals which may inflict harm to the surface.

The scenario now would call for costly repairs and worst expensive parts replacement, when this can be avoided through the use of simple cleaning agents. Be cautious of some harsh chemical substances though, as they may have rough contents, not good to the shower door.

The specific parts in the shower door that are normally and frequently seen are the panel and the door knob, if any. There is a type of door which is without knob so in that case cleaning is not necessary. However for door with knob, the best option is to try to penetrate the inner portion with safe penetrating oil or just use white vinegar.

The other parts which cannot be seen, say the track rollers, brackets, rods, hinges and the like, are to be cleansed with a more far-reaching brush. Again, if not totally satisfied with the cleaning, you can use the usual vacuum cleaner to suck all dirt completely.

Aside from the surface of the door and the knob, which are the most seen by the naked eye, other parts are quite concealed and hardly visible, like for instance door catch, track rollers, hinges, brackets, guide rods and bi-fold pivots.

Additionally, through prolonged instances of being exposed to water and other oily substances, the curtain tends to emit a strong foul odour. On the one hand, the shower door is such durable equipment, and they come in different designs as well as different types. On top of that, it adds more glamour to the bathroom and easily cleanable

The advisable frequency of task in cleaning the shower door parts is as often as possible, but a semi-annual cleaning is absolutely negligible. Everything actually boils down to the prevention of mould and rust formation to maintain the shower door in tiptop shape.

The shower area is daily frequented as this is where refreshing and body cleaning is done. In the process, the door frequently gets wet not only with water but other oily elements like soap, shampoo, detergents, excessive moisture and the like. The antidote to all these chemical rubbish is by being preventive, which is the correct attitude that will make this bathroom fixture neater to feel and pleasing to look at.

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