By Julie Lowry

When buying a professional HD camcorder you'll have to select one that is transportable. It will give you much more flexibility when it comes to where and how you use the camera.

Most cameras today are described as transportable but sometimes they're simply too heavy to carry around. Many manufacturers have addressed this issue. For example Sony listened to their user opinion and launched an ergonomically designed body weight balance on their latest video camera.

Based on what you wish to shoot, you may need various kinds of lens so it is worth going for a professional digital video camera that permits for interchangeable lens. You might even have to invest in a wide angled lens if you think you'll use the effect this produces. If you're into shooting nature you'll probably want a long lens or minimum a camera that is suitable for use with this type of lens. It aids if the lens hood is easily removed by pushing a button instead of having to unscrew the whole thing.

You need to have a look at the size of the LCD monitor. Many models are being sold with a higher quality screen, such as, one with more pixels but this generally means it's smaller than perhaps the one you would have been used to. Many cameras have extra functionality on the zoom and other mechanisms essential to give you great results. You will also want to check the mediums that the camera will use.

Many will only allow you to use the newest technology while others will use the same format of tape as previous versions in the range did. It can come in handy if you've hours of footage already shot with a different camera. Everybody will have somewhat different requirements in their professional digital video camera thus make sure you know what you want before you start shopping.


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