By Colin Gauntlet-Hayes

We take pictures as a way to remember. We want to remember the way that something or someone looked, acted, or achieved. We take them to show others something that we witnessed firsthand and pass along the experience. If you want to take better pictures of your memories, then read this article and the tips contained within it.

Digital Cameras

Most people purchase digital cameras never use them to their full advantage because of the number of features, and what they all do, can be absolutely overwhelming. To make the most of your digital camera, no matter if it is a basic model or bordering on the professional, check out a local community college for a digital photography class. These classes are usually very inexpensive, offered for just a few nights, but can put you in touch with an instructor who can give you some great advice and instruction.

Many digital cameras nowadays actually have a setting for red eye reduction. One of the worst things that can happen to a good picture is the subject will have red eye, ruining an otherwise perfect picture. If you have a setting, turn that setting on first, then snap your shot, and presto, no red eye!

When doing a photo shoot, take a lot of pictures. With digital cameras and computers, you can take near infinite pictures. You'll have a better chance of getting good photos when you take more. And if you get bad ones, all you have to do is hit delete to get rid of them.

Don't be afraid to experiment! With digital cameras, you can now store an incredible amount of photos. Try it out! Don't be afraid to set up your camera at a stream one day and play around with the effects to see what kind of photos you get. It can be a great way to learn what works, and what doesn't.

When photographing landscapes, create a sense of depth. Have a person or other object put into the foreground in order to gauge the overall scale of the image. Aperture sizes like f/8 on a consumer camera, or f/16 on a professional DSLR, make it so you need not sacrifice foreground sharpness for background sharpness or vice-versa.

In conclusion, the photography is an art form that turns life into memories. Using film, lighting, and shadow, photographers capture any moment perfectly. Anyone can practice photography with the right information. If you use the advice from the article above, you can become a photographer and create art though still life.

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