Information About David Wenham

Posted by Georgy | 6/23/2012

By Jessica A. Buck

David Wenham came into this world on the 21st of September, 1965. He is a famous Aussie professional that has been on many television series, films and theatre stage shows. He is actually the child of Kath and Bill Wenham and was born in Sydney, Australia. David is the youngest in the household. David Wenham has one older brother and five older sisters. Before turning into a popular actor, he worked well as a bingo caller and insurance sales person.

His skill showed itself as a young child, he was the class clown for making funny personalities at school and he used to put on house shows for his family. He chased his acting at the Nepean Theatre School and started his career in popular TV episode, Sons and daughters. He then became a working professional in several Australian TV shows such as A Country Practice, Police Rescue during the nineties. He earned many nominations from the Australian Film Institute Award regarding his job in Rowan's Wood films The Boys.

One of his famous roles includes Faramir from The Lord of The Rings Trilogy. He was chosen as a cast in this movie because he looked like his on-screen brother, Sean Bean. David Wenham notes, they both have big noses. Although he only appeared twice in Lord of the Rings, he was voted as best picture nominee three years in a row.

His role as Driver Dan, in the 1998 Australian series Seachange has made him like a sex symbol, although he doesn't like thinking of himself as such. He didn't sign the contract for the second season so, the writers wrote him out. At one point, he was voted as Australia's sexiest man alive.

As he was in Hollywood, his presence followed to rise as he performed as Hugh Jackman's partner on the vampire action motion picture Van Helsing in 04. From then on he went back to Australia in 2005 whereby he found a role as being a conceited and brutal attorney within the award winning show The proposition. He also became a main character where he presented a moving performance as an honest man supporting his family after losing work in Three Dollars.

David Wenham started working on the gym for his Spartan warrior role on the famous film 300 around 2007. It had been an adaptation from the graphic novel of Frank Miller about the famous battle of Thermopylae in 480 BC. This turned out to be an international blockbuster that proved his position in Hollywood. But the actor still came back home to star in a very villainous role with Hugh Jackman and Nicole Kidman in 2008 movie Australia.

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