By Becky Anderson

The canon 50mm lens comes in numerous different versions. The purpose and the effects you need to achieve decide the choice of the lens. The primary features of the lens are the weight, size and aperture range. The f number of the lens is a big element for the aperture of the lens.

The f/1.8 lens is affordable but still; it will assist you in taking pro quality sharp pictures. It is made from plastic and therefor small and light weight. The lens is kept in place with a plastic mount. The lens enables the shutter-bug to govern the depth of field so that the subject will pop out. Although the lens does not support manual focus, the f/1.8 lens is ideal for anyone who has no wish to spend a great deal of money but still wants to take quality photographs.

The f/1.4 enables the paparazzo to take sharpened and clear photographs. With this lens, you will have control the depth of field, and you will be ready to subject to the front. The f/1.4 lens allows the user to take footage with an even distributed blur effect for objects that are in the background.

An outlandish blur effect of the background will disrupt the flow of the picture. The f/1.4 is more expensive than the f/1.8. It has an ultrasonic motor and a metal mount. You need to think about this lens if you want to purchase a better lens.

Top flight is the f/1.2 Lens. It has high colour saturation and a quiet motor. The photos taken are of a higher contrast. If you're serious about photography, then this lens should be your decision. It is simple and fast to auto focus, and you can switch between auto focus and manual focus simply by pushing a button on the lens. It is a heavy lens with a large amount of glass and therefor it has got a quality metal mount. This lens is good, if you want to take pictures of the city skyline and is also superb for portraits. It does cost lots more than the low end models, but if you are looking for an all-around lens then the f/1.2 is for you.

If you haven't decided on a Canon 50MM lens, then you have to consider the type of photos and the available budget.

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