By Debbie Valletta

Everybody loves to photograph. The easy answer to this is that photographers put lots of work into making quality pictures. The article below offers suggestions and tricks that photographers know and use in order to get the right shot almost every time.

If you are out and about and see something worth photographing, take a note of it and come back there at another time when you have more time and equipment to take a proper photograph. By keeping a little notebook to jot down special spots, you will always have a good, interesting spot to photograph.

Red eye is so ubiquitous that a lot of people accept it, but it's still a blemish that can spoil an otherwise-perfect photo. Avoid your flash to prevent this, though if you must use the flash, do not have the subject look directly at the camera. A red eye reduction feature is available on some cameras.

Minimize the fuss when you set up to take your photographs. Most of the time, taking a spectacular picture does not require you to adjust a ton of settings, including the color and motion ones.

Try to use optical zoom instead of digital zoom on close-up shots. While most cameras let you zoom in very close, once the zoom is switched to digital from optical, it makes the quality of the image worse. Digital mode interpolates pixels and adds them to the image, resulting in decreased image quality. The manual for your camera should have instructions to disable digital mode.

Lighting is very important when it comes to taking pictures outside. The incorrect lighting can leave your pictures looking too dark, bright, or splotchy, essentially wrecking an otherwise great photograph. When possible, shoot with the sun to your rear, or have your subjects stand in a shaded area. Using light properly can be the best way to get that beautiful photograph.

When you are photographing nature, steer clear of taking photos that include a sky that is overcast. Your photo will look washed out if you have too much gray sky in it. If you find yourself shooting into overcast skies, taking classic, black and white photos may be your best option. If, on the other hand, the sky is clear and blue, include more of it but consider how the additional light affects the rest of your shot.

Try to create an impression of depth in your landscape photos. Shooting a person in front of the landscape will provide perspective and scale to your picture. To gain sharper images, adjust your aperture to a smaller setting; try f/16 for full-frame single lens reflex cameras and f/8 for the more standard digital ones.

If you like to buy souvenirs when you travel, take photographs of them. Having the back-story on these things, such as where they were purchased or obtained, brings new depth to the items photographed. This creative project helps to create a more memorable connection with the objects and sights from your travels.

You are allowed to move around the subject to find an interesting shot. Try getting shots of the subject from all around it, like above it or below it and so on.

Becoming a better photographer is actually quite an easy task to accomplish. You must simply study a bit and practice a lot and it will pay off! When you see the quality of your photos improve, you will know that your efforts are having a positive effect.

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