This is a very long cloth or scarf wrapped on the head and it is commonly worn by men. As a type of a head dress it has Semite origin and represents holiness. The importance of blue turban is used to reveal the rank and position of the person wearing it.
Many organizations like the silk religion reveals that this clothing can be used as a sign of honor. People who have devoted themselves and dedicated their lives on human welfare get to be recognized through the wearing of it. This is the highest honor one can get especially in Arabs country because of the faith and their solid support towards saving human life.
Wearing of it by every man from boyhood signified friendship. One could vow to transfer the love to the friend through pledging by just wearing the turban. In this case all the burdens of one person are carried to others through vowing because in times of sorrows or joy the friend is always ready to help.
Several techniques have been used and one needs to be educated on these clothing and how to use them. In this case all the designs and methods of turban wrapping should be available to the wearer. For example turbans that surround a cap are mostly worn by religious scholar because the cap differs from the turbans and no strands are gotten after wrapping.
Another technique for turbans wrapping is the use of plain turbans. In this design and wearing one drape the turbans over the head and back to the front of the head and then stitch eight inches behind the neck. Several wraps are made bearing in mind that all the wraps must also undergo the previous wraps. In time of battle and war military turbans can be so important when used. Warriors and the soldier wear turbans in the metal helmets. The kind of wrapping done usually portrays the status squat of the military soldier. The use of the police turbans are essential tools which are used for reasons of defense mechanism from attackers and enemies.
Women also allowed to use turban especially in Islamic countries. In the eastern states after the women were denied the freedom of using scarf in covering their head as a sense of respect and protection of their hair from sunlight, most preferred to switch to turbans. In distinction the turbans were bright in color and many liked them.
Missionaries came to explore and spread the gospel of good news to the people in order for them to seek repentance which leads to one being forgiven the sins done with or without knowing. As a sign of zeal and courage many stories describe how a brave Muslim tied turbans on the heads of the sons and ordered them to go a fight. Wrapping of the turban alludes to sacrifice and martyrdom and how dedicated the sons were.
Spirituality is a belief that embraces believers to come together for a purpose of worship to either Allah or God. Muslims believed that when they put them on and they get more vibrations and as well as the period of the vibration is greatly increased in the head and the body. A research on blue turban as code of dressing help one maintain the knowledge acquired through spiritual nourishment hence raising the awareness achieved.
Many organizations like the silk religion reveals that this clothing can be used as a sign of honor. People who have devoted themselves and dedicated their lives on human welfare get to be recognized through the wearing of it. This is the highest honor one can get especially in Arabs country because of the faith and their solid support towards saving human life.
Wearing of it by every man from boyhood signified friendship. One could vow to transfer the love to the friend through pledging by just wearing the turban. In this case all the burdens of one person are carried to others through vowing because in times of sorrows or joy the friend is always ready to help.
Several techniques have been used and one needs to be educated on these clothing and how to use them. In this case all the designs and methods of turban wrapping should be available to the wearer. For example turbans that surround a cap are mostly worn by religious scholar because the cap differs from the turbans and no strands are gotten after wrapping.
Another technique for turbans wrapping is the use of plain turbans. In this design and wearing one drape the turbans over the head and back to the front of the head and then stitch eight inches behind the neck. Several wraps are made bearing in mind that all the wraps must also undergo the previous wraps. In time of battle and war military turbans can be so important when used. Warriors and the soldier wear turbans in the metal helmets. The kind of wrapping done usually portrays the status squat of the military soldier. The use of the police turbans are essential tools which are used for reasons of defense mechanism from attackers and enemies.
Women also allowed to use turban especially in Islamic countries. In the eastern states after the women were denied the freedom of using scarf in covering their head as a sense of respect and protection of their hair from sunlight, most preferred to switch to turbans. In distinction the turbans were bright in color and many liked them.
Missionaries came to explore and spread the gospel of good news to the people in order for them to seek repentance which leads to one being forgiven the sins done with or without knowing. As a sign of zeal and courage many stories describe how a brave Muslim tied turbans on the heads of the sons and ordered them to go a fight. Wrapping of the turban alludes to sacrifice and martyrdom and how dedicated the sons were.
Spirituality is a belief that embraces believers to come together for a purpose of worship to either Allah or God. Muslims believed that when they put them on and they get more vibrations and as well as the period of the vibration is greatly increased in the head and the body. A research on blue turban as code of dressing help one maintain the knowledge acquired through spiritual nourishment hence raising the awareness achieved.
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If you like a white, green, or blue turban look, click this link to To check out a fun new Android app called the Turbanizer, visit now.
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