By Andrea Davidson

The origin of Venetian masquerade masks was in a town called Venice in Italy. They came about because of the festivals that people used to attend while wearing them. These carnival festivals are among the first ones to be documented and shown back in the thirteenth century. This time clearly shows that these items have a long history.

The main reason that made these people wear these items was to hide their faces. As such, a person wearing a mask was able to mingle freely with people even of different social standings. The mask was able to hide the social status, as well as the identity of a person. Despite the fact that this practice came to existence a long time ago, the practice still exists parties.

During normal situations, people do find it challenging to talk to people of the opposite sex. The above carnivals was a perfect place for individuals to unleash all their thoughts to people whom they could not face without the mask. With a hidden face, one tends to reveal even the darkest secret without any fear.

When it comes to design and structure the mask, it is complex. This design is no different from the one that was present back in the thirteenth century. The structure includes bright colors that are accented with silver or sometimes gold. In order to meet the different preferences of people, these pieces come in different shapes and sizes. At the same time, you can others that can cover the whole face while others only cover the eyes.

The materials that specialists use to make the masks differ. The most common materials include paper, leather and plasters. After the product is ready, the specialist will go ahead and paint the mask. In order to make these items firm, there is the use of such materials like fabric trims and jewels.

Just but to mention the names, the mask that can cover the whole face is referred to as the Bauta while the one that covers only the eyes is the Columbina. Apart from these, other examples do exist. You can find those with long noses. Particularly, these are still common in many parties. There are also other types such as the Volto, Moretta and Medico. The popularity of these products is evident from the fact that there have Hollywood stars who have worn them while acting.

The most outstanding feature about these items is that they have the ancient touch and they are elegant. This is the reason why they have survived the test of time until today. In order to bring a taste of ancient beauty and elegance into a party, one can opt to wear one these covers.

Thanks to the sense of fashion, elegance and uniqueness of Venetian masquerade masks, they have remained relevant for a long time. A practice that started by wearing these face covers has become a culture. People from other areas of the world have also embraced this practice. It is not rare to find people in present parties wearing these products.

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