By Celina Heath

There are many instances where you will find motorcyclists riding in casual outfits. This can be very dangerous as these riders have not thought about their safety. That is why it is crucial that you have protective clothing that will prevent you from getting injured if an accident occurs or you fall off your bike. There is some awesome plus size motorcycle gear available to protect you and your passengers while you are out on a ride.

One of the most important safety items any motorcyclist must have is a helmet. There have been studies that have proved that almost 40% of crash deaths are prevented if the rider was wearing the correct helmet. Always choose a helmet but does not impair your vision or hearing and that fits you comfortably.

Many casual motorcyclists complained that face helmets are simply too hot. Fortunately there is the option of wearing a half helmet. Half helmets do not cover your face eyes or ears. For this reason you might want to get shatterproof glasses or goggles.This will prevent your eyes from watering from the wind and insects and dust flying into your eyes.

Once you have the right head protection, you will need to protect your body as well. If you commute at night, it is important to find plus size riding apparel that is bright and reflective. This will allow other motorists to be able to see you.

The jackets and trousers you choose should offer complete cover for your arms and legs. Try buy apparel made from denim, nylon or leather. The reason for this is that these materials are tough and durable and will therefore be less likely to tear if you fall during an accident.

Your hands should also be protected while you are out riding. This can be done by getting some great leather gloves that will not only keep your hands warm but also prevent them from becoming cut up in an accident. You also need to get shoes that offer support for your ankles. The best shoes are riding boots. Never wear open shoes like sandals and flip-flops when you are riding your motorcycle.

These are just a few of the most basic types of protective clothes that you can wear while you are out riding. There are many other accessories that can provide added protection. BY making use of this protective gear you will be more comfortable in the knowledge that you will be protected if you fall or are involved in an accident.

A few of these protective accessories include items such as chest pads which can be worn inside your jacket as well as thigh pads and knee pads. The goal of these is to protect you and add some cushioning to your fall. They are also there to prevent you from getting cuts and scrapes on your skin.

Finding plus size motorcycle gear is not difficult. There are many great options available to you that you can customize according to your own needs with stickers, logos or patches that can be sewn onto the clothing. Gone are the days when protective gear was bulky and ugly. Now you will find many different trends in riding apparel that is stylish and attractive..

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