By Delroy Wilkins

A classic song is one most people are familiar with. Just a few bars of such songs gets people excited and they can easily identify the track as well as its performer. But what makes such songs so popular? The simple answer is that the artist has managed to organize every element in music composition into a piece everyone wants to listen to. The hits topping charts are often considered the best at the current time. In order to create a hit that not only becomes the best but also a classic, understanding the basics is necessary. This will involve using the best hip hop beats and instrumentals which have the following characteristics.

Keep the rhythm tight. There are great beats and instrumentals that include tons of sounds. Adding effects such as kick drums and snares can enhance any beat if done in the proper manner. However, adding too many elements might let the beat get out of control. When creating a beat, ensure that only the elements that add value are included. This is also true for instrumentals; don't add them haphazardly to create unique sounds.

Fill up the gaps. Any gap within your song should be filled up. Gaps will make the listener lose track of the song and it is virtually impossible to get them listening again. The best beats and instrumentals are used to not only create groove but also fill in gaps within a song. They can be used to fill in gaps found in transitions within tracks giving the song a smooth cohesive feel.

Edit your tracks. There are countless beats and instrumentals available online. You can choose from a wide variety and get the beats and instrumentals you want if you decide to buy them online. This however does not mean that all beats you buy online will match specific lyrics. At times, you might need to edit your beats and instrumentals to make them more unique to your track. Take time to edit your beats and instrumentals to ensure that you don't have too much.

Besides knowing the key feature that make up the best beats and instrumentals, practice plays a key role in creating top hits. Take time to find great beats and instrumentals. In addition to this, learn and master the different techniques used in beat creation to ensure that you can easily create classic tracks.

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