By Amanda Baird

Even in the traditional Muslim and Hindu societies, turban tying was rather common. If you are wondering what this is, it is a piece of unstitched cloth that is around 5 meters long and wrapped on the head. While the traditional reasons for doing so greatly vary today, many of the societies normally use them for religious purposes. It is also good to remember that they are also made from different fabric materials. In this article, it is important to explore both the uses and the skills learnt on how to tie these cloths.

Just to get a brief history, in traditional societies, this cloth was tied to keep the head cool. Thus, the main idea was to keep the head away from the scorching sun. However, with time, the needs for using this cloth diversified and mainly incorporated religious purposes. Thus, these days the cloth tied as a symbol of faith and dedication to this religion.

Depending on the tastes and preferences of the owner, many of these cloths vary in color, shape, and size. For instance, children may need to wrap smaller cloths as compared to adults, which explain the presence of variations on size. In the same way, special occasion dictate the kind of cloth worn. In this area, both weddings and burials have different cloths in terms of color. Simply put, the purpose of the cloth may be unique in many settings.

With so much diversity, you will find out too that the design used to tie these cloths is different. However, this depends on a few factors. Of course, the main one is that they are normally made from different material hence they will react differently while tied. However, some as we have seen could be because the cloth is being tied for a special occasion.

For these reasons, these cloths are tied in various styles and designs. Thus, it is not just an activity but also an art. Since it is considered an essential part in the dressing especially in men, proper ties are required to create a unique and lovely look. Thus, on regular occasions, it will be tied in a simple way. However, on special days, the cloth may need to be artistically tied to complement the event.

Due to these reason, many experts agree that learning how to tie this cloth is an art. Since it is quite a crucial part of dressing especially with the men, it is important to remember that it ought to be done in the right way. Sometimes you may need an expert while others easily learn it at home. However, while learning at home, it may take quite long to comprehend hence the need to seek professional advice.

In the end, quality also matters. Avoid overlooking the quality of the material and settling on substandard cloth. Ensure that you do background check up of the dealer before purchase. At the same time, find out if they offer other services since most of them are professionals and can assist you on how to tie the cloths on your own.

There is no doubt that these cloths play an important role in these communities. Besides the social role, others may also use it while traveling as a pillow at night. Others also use it to draw water in dry places. Thus, turban tying skills will come in handy since you may need to keep untying it occasionally.

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