By Megan Landry

These days, it is interesting to see what people are getting up to when it comes to the various metals that are used in everyday life. Many folks do not even pay a second thought to the things in life and this is where one would be quite astounded if you simply stood still for a while and took note of how much metal is used every day. Manufacturers make use of stainless steel round bar to produce all sorts of things that people take for granted.

After spending a great 8 hours sleeping in your cozy bed, the shiny silver alarm clock goes off and reminds you that you should be up and out of bed. The clock is metal and your hand is met by the cold touch as you gently press the snooze button for just another five minutes. When it goes off again, you know, there is no longer any more time to waste and you have to get up and get going.

Once the clock goes off again, you know there is no turning back and you have to get up. Going to your bathroom and switching on your towel warmer, the metal quickly warms up and warms your towel. Stepping into the shower you once again touch the taps that are made of steel. The shower head gently sprays you with the warm water but is also made of metal.

Getting dressed and ready for the day is great and as you go to the kitchen and switch one your little metal kettle, you once again are embraced by this. Opening the drawer and taking your spoon out to stir your coffee you notice that there is even more. From the small things to the big things this metal is something that play s a very important role in your life.

As you reach out to open the door of your apartment, the door handle is cold to the touch. This is because this too is made of steel. Bet you never thought of that for the last few years. The turning the key to lockup for the day you one again tough the metal it is made of.

Getting to the elevator and pressing the button on the eleventh floor, the cold touch of the elevator button reminds you that once again you are coming into contact with even more metal. As you enter the elevator, you are greeted with a clean shine of the metal doors as they close in front of you and you head down to the ground level.

The chairs that the people are sitting on as they wait for the train are also metal. As the train pulls in and you hear the clattering, you can distinctly see the large silver plates that cover it. Stepping inside it, the poles are made of the same material.

Walking down the road to get to the subway, the barriers that guide you down the stairs are yet another reminder. As the train pulls into the station, the metal plates on the sides that protect it from damage is suddenly something you take note of yet again. Inside, the frames of the seats are made of the same and you are mesmerized by how important stainless steel round bar actually is in manufacturing all these wonderful things.

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