By Megan Landry

So you finally were able to gain the favor of the auction as soon as the Hermes scarves on sale was sold to you, as the highest bidder among other participants. Time to kiss good bye to the old scarves that you have been using since the limited edition is about to take domination to your closet. However, you got to make sure you know how tow ash them o they will worsen their condition.

There is the need for you to wash them in the right temperature that will fit to the type of the material of the fabric. So in his matter, since this is a designer scarf and it is Hermes, it is advised that you wash them at the temperature not going below the thirty degree. Otherwise you are going or ruin the material.

The silks are known to be the most sensitive fabric of all time. Since you will deal with the cleaning of your most precious material, then you should buy the silk detergent. Yes the silk one only and not the alkali detergents or soap. This is for the fact that this detergent, the silk one is made for ultra sensitive materials.

Also, keep it away form touch with other clothes. Otherwise, it might get discolored especially by those colors that tint the water with hues. You need to soak this in a single pail or storage. Again, wash this alone and not with others or it will ruin its natural color.

Since this is going to need the gentle treatment of yours, avoid squeezing them. While turning on the washing machine, switch on the setting of the hand cycle. You have to pout extra care for this if you do not want the fabric to corrode and get damaged.

If you rinse the clothes of yours from three to four times, you have to consider rinsing these scarves for more. You should always make sure these soaps are all removed. You certainly do not want to see a stain on the surface that is produced by the soap. As much as possible you need to double rinse them to ensure that every soap is removed.

Also you will need to consider the importance of hanger in air drying. This should be durable that do not get ruined immediately. Otherwise you will find the scarf lying on the ground with stains and dirts all over the surface. To avoid that from happening, the high quality ones should be bought.

Also, you will have to consider on which part you will be putting this. You have to store it inside the dark room or a dark place. Avoid hanging it in a wide and open area. Otherwise the whole fabric will fade its color. Again, do not expose it to sun if you do not want to lose its natural color.

And lastly, when you are ironing the Hermes scarves on sale, keep the setting on the silk setting. As what was said before, silks are the most sensitive type of fabric. Therefore, when dealing with sensitivity, then you shall use the setting that is used in this kind of fabric or material.

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