By Brandon Garrett

When you think of Bill de Blasio and his industry of focus, the political world is obviously the first thing that comes to mind. Get this though - NYC's mayor also has firm ties to Gabrielle Fialkoff, a powerful jewelry magnate.

Due to this friendship, de Blasio trusted her to plan his entire inaugural event as he swore under oath to serve his city with the best of intentions. More information recently revealed about the event and its plans was provided in an interview.

As a mayor whose aim is to be a man of the people and cater to all groups, she created and chaired an event that was all-inclusive in the same regard. One that accurately reflects his vision for the future of the city.

This all happened on New Year's Day just a few weeks ago. In a refreshing twist to the exclusive nature of recent inaugurations, everyone in the city had an equal opportunity to gain access to the City Hall event.

Another 7,000 people visited Gracie Mansion that Sunday for an Open House event planned by Fialkoff. This hadn't been done in nearly 50 years, but the entire offering was well received since tickets sold out just several hours after they went on sale.

You may be wondering why someone in fashion was given a political task. Gabrielle Fialkoff has a background in politics though. Having worked on three political campaigns with Mr. de Blasio dating back to 2001, she's been in the game for a while.

Fialkoff hasn't only worked with de Blasio though. She's also participated in campaign efforts for Hillary Clinton and other well known political figures. Eventually she made the move from politics to Haskell Jewels.

This was a great experience for Haskell's President and COO, as she had the opportunity to help a longtime friend plan a big event portraying a vision that she genuinely believes in.

All in all, the event was very well received by all who attended and the rest of the city. The new mayorship set off on a terrific note thanks to such a well planned event.

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