By Marissa Velazquez

Physically challenging, mentally demanding and much more, karate is one of the most difficult arts to even pursue. Mastering it is another level altogether. There are many who have been interested and keen on learning it from childhood. These people are considered much more fit and strong in comparison to the amateurs and the ones who do not. One of the most prominent aspect of this sport is the martial arts clothing that anyone who is associated with it wears.

Different countries have different cultures and their own form of kickboxing sport. The various forms that are popular today are nothing but a collection of the contribution of the different cultures to the world for martial arts. Some of the examples that are well known are- kick boxing, judo, MMa and karate. Each of these come from different regions of the world.

This sport is not meant to hurt anyone, it was started as a systematic and sophisticated form of combat, then became a sport and now is also a very good exercise for the human body. Many people go through basic training of martial arts so that they can fight the social evils that are present in the society. The increasing crime rates have not left people with another choice anyway.

The one thing that grabs the attention of every onlooker and also distinguishes a martial arts personnel from an average person is the uniform. The people who have the privilege to wear the uniform take utmost pride in it as they would have definitely worked hard towards getting it. The uniform is nothing flamboyant- a simple white robe and a pair of trousers and a coloured belt at the waist to mark the level of excellence that the person can perform up to. It still stand out of the crowd as it commands respect.

The founder of the very popular sport form- Judo, is also the designer of the traditional uniform. His name is Kano Jigro, he called the uniform Keikogi. This name was most apt because it means the dress to practice. The simplicity of the uniform lies in the names of the parts of it, the robe is called Uwagi and the trousers are called Shitabaki. There are just Japanese words for a robe and pants respectively.

There were developments in the costume as per the different climatic conditions faced by Japan. Four weaves were used to make the costume so that they are able to combat the weather conditions and also to ensure that it does not cause a hindrance to the person. The first one is the single weave, it is the lightest and thinnest of the four, meant for summer. The double weave is another, which is the thickest and the heaviest.

Then comes the third type, the god weave- this is one between the single and double weave. The platinum weave is the one in between the single and the gold weave. These are meant for the not too hot and the not too cold days that Japan faces on a regular basis.

The costume was made with the traditional plain white fabric, but now people have innovated upon the traditional martial arts clothing and added the spin of fashion to it. It is very important for the students and professionals to maintain the costume well so that the dignity of the costume and the honour of the art is maintained.

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