By Eliza Mendoza

Of all the wedding vendors that you hire for your big day, it is probably the DJs who will have the greatest impact on your guests. A few people will remember your florist while a talented caterer may also have some guests reminiscing about food for a week or two. However, it is the deejay that normally set the mood of the function. A great deejay will be able to read the mood of the crowd, have everyone up and dancing and eventually ensure that everyone has had a great time. On the flip side, a bad deejay will kill the mood even for the most party ready guests. So to ensure that you end up with the best wedding DJs in Michigan, here are a few tips.

The best and the easiest way to finding any wedding vendor is through friends and relatives. Amongst your clique of friends or colleagues, there must be someone who knows a good disc jockey. Ask their opinion about it. Other than these, your wedding venue may also be a good place to seek referrals. Most venues usually have a list of preferred vendors that they do business with. This will also make your work easy.

It would also be nice to set a meeting with your prospective deejay before the D day. You can take this time to brief him on your expectations. You should also take note of how he is dressed. Good dressing is always a sign of professionalism. Ask him how he will be dressed for the occasion, he must be smart.

You also have to consider service fee. Some deejays will charge extremely high while others will charge extremely low. It is probably not a good idea to go with either extreme. Make sure you have a budget and stick to it. There are several options out there that you should not spend more on a deejay than you allocated.

A majority of deejays usually boast of having large collection of music. The fact that one has thousands of songs does not mean that he will carry all of them to the function. Ask him how much music he takes to such functions, if it is not much, you should beware. Even though variety is always great, it is also important to note that the DJ might only manage to play around 70 songs for the entire function. Having the right 70 is more important than having thousands that do not move the crowd.

You should also find out from your potential disc jockey how long he has been in this business. Not only this but also the number of similar functions or even bigger ones he has performed in the recent past. A good choice is one who has at least twenty weddings under his belt within the last six months.

Always insist on a signed contract with your deejay of choice. This should also apply to all other vendors that you are using. The contract is there to safeguard your interest should the vendor fail to honor the agreement.

In order to have that memorable reception that you really crave for, it is important that you make the best decision as far as the choice of wedding DJs in Michigan is concerned. Do not wait to look for the DJ at the last minute. You will find when all the good ones have been taken up.

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