By Judy Sullivan

Over the ages people have always devised ways to improve their looks, to conform to the dictates of fashion or even to look younger. Hair coloring must be one of the most common methods employed to achieve all of the above. It is a hugely popular method of obtaining a different look, whatever the motivation behind the desire to look different. Dyeing the head is, without a doubt, the most popular cosmetic procedure in the world today.

At first, people concocted dyes from a wide variety of organic materials, including the use of roots from certain plants, some nuts and even an essence from wild flowers and plants. In the beginning the main purpose of dyeing was to conceal greyness but, of course, this has changed. In this modern time more that seventy five per cent of American women dye on a regular basis.

It would be wrong to surmise that it is only women that color their heads. The practice has become widespread and it is most certainly no longer risky for men to also change their color or to hide greying. Even younger people frequently change their color. At one stage it was necessary to hide the fact that dye is used but nowadays it is a perfectly acceptable thing to do.

When determined to change color, there are two basic options namely whether to use a home kit or whether to leave the task to a professional at a salon. The former option is much cheaper, of course, but there are no guarantees that the result will be satisfactory. Visiting a salon can cost up to five times the price of a home kit, but the likelihood of a disaster is much smaller.

Modern dyes that will last for twelve or more shampoos have two basic chemical ingredients. Hydrogen peroxide, used in various strengths, basically removes sulfur from the hair. Unfortunately, this chemical causes hardening and a loss of weight. Ammonia is an alkaline that separates the cuticle, thereby allowing the new color to penetrate deeper. Most dyes also contain alcohol which can also cause dryness.

Because dyes contain potentially harmful chemicals it is deemed more sensible to rather visit a salon to obtain a new color. Professionals know all about the harmful effects of these chemicals and they use additional products to counteract the negative effects. Home products do not always warn consumers about the negative effects and users therefore do not always take corrective steps.

There are many advantages in changing color or in hiding grey. Many people feel more confident knowing that they look good. It is a fact that a good dye can make some people look much younger and in the youth orientated modern world this is important to many people. Some people use dyes because they simply want to make a lifestyle change and this is one of the easiest ways in which to achieve a completely new look.

Hair coloring is one of the oldest ways in which to change or preserve looks. It is certainly set to continue to be one of the most popular on invasive cosmetic procedures I the future. Care should be taken, however, to use only reputable products and to take steps to minimize the potential damage to the hair.

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