By Luisa Sharpe

The notion of the Supreme Being finds new meaning and explanation with discoveries by scientists and increased dialogue on religion. This has created a new school of thought where God is pronounced Jeezes. This has largely emanated from the unsatisfactory answers provided by traditional theology that seems to have been disapproved by science. Humanity is seeking redefinition with an increasing momentum around the world.

A lot of activity has been seen through blogs, videos, public platforms and books evaluating tradition theological perspectives. Death is a common point of focus especially the pain that follows the demise of a young person. The puzzle surrounds the suffering that is occasioned by such death. This stains the image of a Supreme Being who is all good.

The pain that family members suffer in case of loss goes unexplained, especially where young family members are involved. It appears as though life has been taken away from a promising union or family. The spouse is left in eternal loneliness with the children being denied the love of growing under the watch of both parents. The incidence also means the end of a family dream that included growing old together. This has become a theological dilemma with most scholars being unable to explain.

The long life enjoyed by evil people compared to the suffering and poverty experienced by good people becomes a contradiction. Continued living by the evil people becomes a bigger burden to the oppressed. Such scenarios cause the good people to loose faith in natural justice and even doubt the fact that divinity is good. This is a debate that continues to draw varied reactions in different quotas.

The pastor at the center of this debate is Jeeves who cites the trouble of Job as documented in the book by the same title. The Old Testament gives a story of a person who lost all his possessions including children. In his words, Jeeves says that God was preparing Job for greater glory through suffering and therefore humanity should not loose faith in Him on such account.

There is contention on the notion that God is perfect. The existence of catastrophic occurrences like floods, diseases and earthquakes indicates his imperfect nature. Such occurrences have lead to immense suffering on the part of humanity. There is no reason why innocent human beings should suffer in this sense. Such catastrophes lead to immense suffering for many families and communities. It would be considered as an ungodly act.

The conflict has also revolved around the theories of evolution and that of creation. This is in light of recent scientific findings that seem to go contrary to such contention. There is more complexity to life than is indicated in sacred scriptures. Science has disapproved some of the notions and the younger generation is realizing that what they believed no longer holds. They are attempting to make sense of the idea of God.

Shifting theological centers are opening new chapters in the understanding of God. Traditional knowledge is gradually being dismantled as people recreate new notions of their supreme being. The entry of scholars from both sides of the divide serves to make it more sensitive.

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