By Jaclyn Hurley

If you want to know the life of a rockstar wife, that is very easy. You do not need to actually be in friends with one or be an acquaintance because you can search the internet for blogs. They bare out themselves in these blogs.

Being married to a celebrity musician is not an easy thing. It is not easy to deal with fame, much more being married to one. The husband takes all the attention of the world while you stand beside him invisible. If you are not comfortable being the invisible hand or companion, then being married to a celebrity is not a suitable life for you.

Sure it is very exciting to be married to one. You would think you will also have a glamorous life. Not likely. You might like it at first but when reality sinks its teeth to bite, you will not find it funny anymore. In fact, you might be pissed to always have these people tagging along every time you guys go on a date.

They can go as cryptic as they can with pictures and their words but this does not chance the fact that this is an account of someone who lives and is married to a musician. Anyway anyone who blogs on the web do not have to reveal their real names but this does not mean they do not share the real accounts of their lives. Blogs are good outlets of emotions.

He will be very busy preparing for concerts, other singing engagements, signing autographs to delirious fans, attending interviews on television and may be shooting as well for his mtv or music television video. Celebrity musicians are quite busy with their own gigs. True enough that they rake in hefty amounts of money but more often than not, they have less time to spend with their families and loved ones.

Expect that the capture will run front page of tomorrow's headlines of tabloids. Tabloids can be so unforgiving. They can write just about the cruelest things that they can get hands on the celebrity. That is why some celebrities succumb to the pressure. They use drugs and alcohol to escape from it.

Nothing can be kept as a secret because the paparazzis are always taking them pictures. Reporters are always on their backs ready to scoop up any information that they could find about them. Going out of their homes can be a lot of things to do. They cannot just get out of their house without some photographer snapping at them.

The world of music and show business can be so intruding. That is why a lot of musicians choose to keep this part of their life private especially when they have small children to raise. There are also spouses who live on the road with their musician husband. This is together with their children.

Some of the musicians live on the road in their big bus houses called RV and or trailer buses. These buses have most of the amenities of the house. But raising a family this way is one tough job. Not everybody is cut to do this. Musicians and showbiz celebrities alike have a real side.

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