How To Use Jazz Tube Amps

Posted by Georgy | 3/22/2014

By Gwen Lowe

If one is into playing soft music like something that is somewhat like blues or jazz, then he would need an amplifier that can actually produce a very clean sound that this kind of music would require. Of course he would be needing some jazz tube amps if he would want to play this type of music. If one is a musician, then he would probably be interested in this.

Now as stated above, this type of genre has a very soft sound that only certain amplifier tubes can let out. So now in order to be able to play these kinds of things, then the very first thing that he should do would be to do his homework on what kinds of amplifiers are good. After getting these pieces of equipment, then he just has to adjust the settings later on.

The main thing that would produce the sound that would be coming from the guitar would actually be the settings on the amp. One has to make sure that he sets up the settings right so that he can get a very clean tone that jazz players use. Now the first thing that he has to think about would be the distortion.

Now the level of distortion is one of the significant differences between jazz and rock and roll as the former does not use as much of it. So when it comes to the settings, one has to make sure that he does not put much distortion. By minimizing the distortion level, he will be able to get the jazzy tone that would want.

Now over the years, there have actually been some bands in this genre that would actually put some distortion. Now the difference is that their type of distortion is very subtle and is only very minimal. So if one would want to add just a little bit of flavor to his songs, then he may add just a bit of distortion.

Aside from the distortion, there are actually other settings that one would have to know about as well. One very important thing to take note of is that in this type of genre, the bass level has to be more and the treble level less. Now if one were to set the treble at a high note, then the sound will not be good to listen to.

Now if one does not know how to adjust the bass and the treble, then he may follow this standard setting. Basically, he can set the bass level at level seven or higher. After that, he should set the treble to a level of four or five but should never put it at a level below level three.

So as one can see, one has to make sure that his amp has to have the correct settings before he gets the tone he wants. Of course he has to make sure that he experiments a little bit and play around before he gets the hang of it. Now by making use of these basic settings, he would at least have an idea of how to go about.

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