By Gwen Lowe

You can have your work eased and your time saved when working with this in particular. You will also get more output when it comes to productivity and value in general. It gives you easy move when concerned with lighting issues. You will get numerous staff which are all important in your mission of lighting.

These accessories which can be found in the joker bug 800 kit include focal spot. This part is necessary for projection capabilities and it is made out of aluminum. This explains its durability nature. It is indeed adaptable and has the twenty and forty degree lenses. This is what makes its versatility to be added up to the required level.

There is the big eye Fresnel which is responsible for lighting fixtures. It sets up really quick such that you don't have to waste your time. It can also accept interchangeable light source. Focusing back to front is highly enables with this particular accessory. There is no point of mixing light sources once you settle on this part. It is not a good idea to mix the sources and just work with one kind of lighting.

The bug-a-beam is also important as it allows for easy mating of the source in a quick way. By this, it is easy to make patterns visible in different ambient light levels. It can also control intensities that are high in a beam projector.

The Softube is also another important part responsible for the transformation of a spotty beam into a beam that is linear. This also does well for the reinforcement of window and for the interiors of large vehicles. Since it is easy to set up, you will not get any hitches.

There is the crossover which in deed allows you to cross over and shoot still as well as motion pictures on the same set and at the same time. However, you need continuous light for the motion version. The good thing is that they do fit into any kind of reflector you have.

Choosing the kind of lenses you want is highly enabled. They come in various sizes and shapes. You can get medium, super wide and a wide one for that matter. The functionality is cool and they can last as long as you may think. The issue of maintaining them on a regular basis is out of the picture. Availability of the light banks and lanterns also provide you with proper lighting. With these, you will not even waste your time doing the configurations but you will still get that perfect shot.

The multi bug adapter comes in handy for creating large and great light sources. It is easy to set up since it does not require modifications. What is required of you is to position it to an angle you prefer. This is good enough to give you that soft and full spectrum kind of light source. You can perfectly attach it to a standard pin to enable it have a good grasp.

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